Chapter 4: Sunburnt

Start from the beginning

"No, I'll just put some moisturiser on it or something. Is my face bad?"

"Not really, just a bit pink. But your arms are another story."

"Yea." I sigh, looking down at my cherry-coloured arms. "Doesn't the garden next door have aloe Vera plants?" I think back to when I last looked at that garden and remember that there was a big aloe Vera plant in the corner.

"Eh, I can ask them later."

"Surely they wouldn't mind you just taking it, they probably don't even know that it's there considering they only moved in two days ago." She clicks her pen as she looks at me. I shrug my shoulders and lean off of the door frame.

"I don't know." I walk to my bedroom and wrap the towel around my wet hair. I put on some underwear and and find a big t-shirt and shorts to wear. My brain hurts after today. My two classes were spent on the computer the whole time hurrying to write notes as both my Homicide and Law professors talked a million miles an hour. I have to admit, I do like writing notes for some reason, just not on a computer, and not decoding the words and rushing to get them down.

I walk into Nell's room and fall down on her comfortable bed filled with pillows. "What's up?"

"Nothing. I just want to lay on your bed." I say and mean it. Her bed is more comfortable than mine. My bed looks comfortable, but it takes me ages to get to sleep every night.

"Alright then." She chuckles. I look over on her wall at the board she has hanging up. There a ton of photos of her and I, and a few with us and Lana and Emma, and some of her family who she isn't that close to anymore. I wouldn't say that she dislikes them, but she doesn't exactly love spending time with them. They're a little overwhelming and in my opinion, they expect too much from her.

"Hey, do you want to maybe see what Emma and Lana are doing tonight?" I suggest, and she stops tapping her pen on the table.

"Yea alright, I'm sick of studying." She turns around in her chair to face me. She only had one class today so she's been home since 12.

"Cool, I'll text them." I pay the bed around me for my phone until I realise I left it in my bedroom. I'm too comfortable to move, so I look up at Nell with pleading eyes.

"I'm not getting your phone for you." She reads my mind. I frown at her and push myself up from my position.

"Bitch," I walk out of the room and grab my phone from my bed. We already have a group chat with them, so I decide just to text them through that, that's what I normally do.

We met them a month after moving here at an Imagine Dragons concert, after coincidently tripping over each other trying to exit the arena.

[Hey guys, you up to do something tonight?]

[Sure, what'd ya have in mind?] -Emma

[We should go to Evolution]

One thing you need to know about Lana, is that she loves going out, and she parties hard. So any night with Lana is a great one. Emma is the sensible one who would hold your hair while your puking, so they're basically a package.

[Alright, see you guys there at around 9?]

[Ok, we're bringing a friend if that's alright :)] -Lana

[Please don't tell me it's some random guy you met on tinder]

A few months ago Lana signed up with Tinder, and she was so obsessed that it'd be weird if she only had two dates a week.

[Surprisingly it's actually not] -Emma

[No calm down I'm done with that. I met him through Ben, he's cute and Irish and I'm not into him] -Lana

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