45 ; northnight (23.5)

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third pov

north was always a controlling and possessive partner. north would manipulate him into doing things and get angry when night wanted to hang out with his friends and would try to control who he talked to and how he spent his time. but although their relationship was far from healthy, night still loved north. he couldn't help himself. and north enjoyed how much power he held over night.

north's toxic behavior reached a breaking point for night, and he decided to end things between them. as much as he cared about north, he couldn't allow himself to be controlled and manipulated any longer. but north wouldn't take no for an answer. he refused to let night go, insisting that they were meant to be together and that night couldn't live without him.

and night believed him.

night's sister, sun began to notice that he was becoming more and more isolated, and she begged night to leave north. but night couldn't bring himself to do it. "i'd let him ruin the rest of my life," night said to sun. sun couldn't believe her ears. she felt hopeless.

one day, north came home to find night talking to an old friend. he was overcome with jealousy and started a fight right then and there, accusing night of cheating on him and telling him that north was the only one for him and that nobody would ever love him. night tried to calm north down, but he was too angry to listen to anything night had to say and that's where night had enough.

"enough of this fucking bullshit, p'north," night yelled, "how do i stop myself from falling for you?" night loved north, but he couldn't keep living like this. "i'm scared of you, p'north," he admitted. "i can't keep living my life like this. you need to get out of my house, north." north's face twisted in anger and disbelief. he always assumed that night would forever be his.

north shook his head, "what do you mean, nong? i am your phi. why don't you call me phi-" night interrupted him. "you are nothing to me," he lied, trying to ignore his broken heart. "i told you to get the fuck out."

and north did.

"i can't let you ruin the rest of my life," night said to himself, finally ready to let go from the toxicity that destroyed his pure heart.

one shots - thai BL/GLTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang