37 ; puentalay (vice versa)

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inspired by our skyy2 - vice versa :)

puens pov

something was wrong. my heart was hurting so much like something was missing.

it's been a few months since we had given jigsaw back to his mother and we were perfectly fine with seeing him once in a way so it couldn't be him.

it was almost like i wanted... a child?

no, no. we are way too young for a child. we barely couldn't take care of jigsaw because we were so busy with our relationship and work. a child would've just feel wrong. but at the same time, a child feels so right.

i wanted a life where talay and i could shower our love upon a little one and give them so much love but as much as i wanted to, i couldn't help but feel scared. i wondered if we would be capable of being the parents our child deserved.

one evening, talay and i sat on the balcony of our cozy home, our fingers entwined.

"talay, i think... i think, i want a child. i miss having a child around but i'm afraid we won't be good enough as parents," i confessed. "what if we make mistakes? what if we can't provide all the love and care a child needs?" talay squeezed my hand gently and turned to face me.

"puen, i agree. i want a child but i was afraid to ask you. ever since jigsaw is gone, something was missing. i want us to be parents. and i understand your fears but we've always faced challenges together. we've supported and lifted each other up. we've grown stronger as a couple and i have no doubt we would do the same as parents."

i smiled, feeling relieved hearing talay's words. "you're right, talay. i believe our child would be lucky to have us, even with our imperfections."

we reached out to our friends, tup and tou. since tup is jigsaw's uncle and both of them know how to take care of children, we called them to seek advice and guidance. we read books, learned about child development and even attented workshops. we realized that every parent makes mistakes but what truly mattered was the uncondentional love we give our child.

with confidence and determination, talay and i decided to explore the possibility of adoption. we sought out adoption agencies and engaged in conversations with social workers, who shared stories of children longing for a loving home.

finally, the day arrived when talay and i met a young boy named ocean, whose bright blue eyes and warm smile instantly captured our hearts. we slowly built a bond with nong ocean. we showered him with love, guiding him through life's challenges and celebrating his victories.

as the years passed, the fear of failure faded away. we learned from our mistakes, cherished the precious moments and supported each other in the beautiful chaos of parenthood.

talay, n'ocean and i became a family.

being a great parent wasn't about perfection but rather about creating a home filled with love, understanding and support. and in doing so, talay and i discovered the greatest joy we could have ever imagined - being the loving parents our child deserved.

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