3 ; somprae (vice versa)

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praes pov

"i can't believe we're still stuck in here, prae. i wanna go back. back home. even puen and talay are back in our universe. why aren't we?"

som was a very happy woman. someone who's optimistic and positive. but since talay and puen went to our universe she was angry and sad. i totally get it. i understand that she must be frustrating and missing her family and friends. but since she has this negative mindset, she forgot i exist.

i wish i could help somehow. i wish she would dream about a place and go to that place so she can go home and be with her loved ones. so she can be happy again. she deserves happiness.

"prae, did you listen what i've said?" som asked. i nodded. "what's wrong?"

"i wish you could go home." tears starting to fall down my cheeks. "what? no." she was shaking her head, looking at me sadly. "both of us, prae. both of us or no one. we will stay together and we will leave this place together." i smiled.

"sorry. i wish we could go home." som giggled. it wasn't her giggle but i love her giggle. it's the sweetest sound in the world. i could hear it for hours and never get bored of it. but i couldn't tell her that. i was way too shy.

i liked her since we got matched. it was awkward and complicated and i knew she wished she was puens match. i have a feeling she still wants to be his but he belongs to talay.

now i am hers. not literally. sadly.

i wish i was hers and she'd be mine. i want her to be mine so bad. she's everything i've ever wanted. i don't want anyone else. just her.

i went to bed. maybe tonight, i'll dream and som will too. let's stay positive for som.

as i woke up as usual, i went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth. i made myself a cup of coffee and smiled at the sun shining through my window. i didn't dream. i hope som did.

i went to her house.

"som?" i called as i walked in her room. "what are you doing in my room? get the fuck out right now!" som's body but not som.

she went home.

i smiled. i am so happy for her. i wish her the best. she better live her life like she always wanted to. i hope she finds someone wonderful since i can't be the person for her. i might be stuck here for a while.

the next day, i didn't dream. the day after that, i didn't dream either. i felt how talay must have felt when puen went to our universe first. but eventually he got back and i'm sure they are together now.

after a few months, i lost hope of ever going back. i missed som so much, i cried everyday. all i ever wanted was to hug som. i didn't even now how she looks or sounds like. but i did not care. i didn't fell for her looks. i fell for her heart.

next day,  i woke up. i had a dream. i didn't know what to do. i know i have to go to that place but i was scared. what if it won't do anything for me? what if i am actually stuck here forever?

i would do everything for som. so i decided to go to that forest. as soon as i arrived, i went for a walk. it wasn't that scary since it was morning. after a while, i accidentally tripped over a log and fell with my face on a rock. everything went black.

when i woke up, i was in a bed. did someone find me and put me in a hospital? didn't look like it. it looked like home. without knowing where i was, i went to the bathroom as usual, looked at the mirror and saw myself. i saw myself.

i couldn't talk. i was speechless. i saw my old self. my true self. it worked. i was really back.

since i lived alone, i didn't need to say hello to anyone. i don't have friends and i don't have family. i have talay, puen and som... som. that's all i was thinking of. i must find her. be with her. tell her how much i missed her. tell her how much i love her.
will she love me back?

i went outside trying to find anyone that could've helped me. i found a guy with glasses and he was with another guy.  "hi, sorry."

they both looked at me. i saw that they were holding hands. "i am looking for a girl named som. i don't know how she looks like but her name is som."

i thought they would look at me like i'm insane but instead the guy with the glasses was hugging me. "omg, you are prae!" i looked at him. "talay?" he nodded. i remembered him talking about how he actually needs glasses so i was sure that was him. the other guy must be puen. puen was smiling at me. "it's good to see you again."

i was smiling big. "som went back way before me. i got here today. she went back here a few months ago. i want to find her. can you help me?" they both nodded. "of course, prae."

it took us months but eventually we found her.

"som...?" she turned around. "hi? can i help you," she smiled at me. positive som is back. i missed her so much and her voice sounds like an angel. she is so pretty. the prettiest. "it's me. prae,"

she looked at me not knowing what to say. "you're back?" i nodded. i didn't know what she felt. was she angry? sad? relieved? happy? i couldn't read it of her face. she looked shocked and sad. "i'm sorry," she said. "for leaving you. i told you we would leave together and i failed you. i'm sorry, my love."

my love.

i cried, "it's fine, som. it's not your fault! i'm not angry with you. i missed you so much. i love you."

"i love you too, prae."

one shots - thai BL/GLHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin