35 ; seanmaitee (star in my mind)

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maitees pov

sean and i have been best friends since university. we have always been inseparable and had an unbreakable bond. sean was a bit shy and charismatic, while i was more confident and extroverted. we both had a great sense of humor and loved to joke around with each other.

over the years, our friendship had taken a flirty turn. we would often tease each other and flirt in a joking way but neither of us took it seriously. we both dated other people but it was never anything special. however, our playful flirting started to feel different. i would find myself getting lost in his eyes and feeling a rush of excitement when we touched.

one day, while we were sitting on sean's couch watching a movie, i leaned in and kissed sean. it was a soft, gentle kiss but it felt like an explosion of emotions. we both pulled away and looked at each other, realizing that our playful flirting had turned into something real.

from that moment on, sean and my relationship changed. we started dating and exploring our feelings for each other. it was scary and exciting at the same time but we knew that we had to take a chance on love. we were both surprised at how easily our friendship had turned into something more but we knew that we had a deep connection that was meant to be.

we decided to come out to our families and it was the worst decision we have ever made since they didn't support us and our relationship. but we never lost sight of the fact that we were in love and that our relationship was worth fighting for.

years later, as we sat on the same couch where our relationship had begun, sean looked at me and said, "i can't believe we've been together for all these years. i still love you more every day." i smiled and replied, "i love you too, sean. you're my best friend and my soulmate." and with that, i leaned in for a kiss, knowing that our love story was far from over.

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