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Home » Apocalyptic Super Redemption System » Chapter 65: Succession

Chapter 65: Succession

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High Score Novels: "Peerless Tianjiao" "My Career" "My Master is a Immortal" "Raising Ghosts for Woe" "Diba" "Full-Time Mage" "Futian Clan" "Chaos Sword God" "Zhenwu World" "Shenzang" "Super Soldier King" "Library of Heaven's Way" "Cold Door" "Peerless Medicine God" "Immortal Wuzun"

Ji Chen and Chu Yunting were overjoyed, because this thing was not successfully studied, they had not dared to announce the use of crystal nuclei, but people's living environment was getting worse and worse, and the level of zombies outside was gradually rising, and they had now begun to hesitate to announce the news.

So Chu Yunting and Ji Chen came to the institute again, Zheng Lao pointed to a big guy about 1.5 meters tall and silver-white with a happy face, and said to Ji Chen and the two: "This crystal nucleus purifier has been able to purify the energy in the crystal nucleus, and the energy purity after purification is 93, which is much higher than the original 70 of the crystal nucleus, and when the energy purity reaches 95, the human body can safely absorb these energies without worrying about the accumulation of impurities, at that time, a small number of impurities can be automatically excreted by the human body through metabolism and cultivation." You can rest assured that at the latest in a month, I will be able to develop a real finished crystal nucleation purification instrument.

Ji Chen took out a piece of crystal nucleus and put it into the machine, this machine can currently purify 100 primary crystal nuclei or 10 secondary crystal nuclei at a time, each time it takes 3 minutes, just put the crystal nucleus at the entrance, at the exit you can get the purified crystal nucleus, carefully observe, after the crystal nucleus purification and before purification, there are still nuances, from the appearance, the purified crystal nucleus is more clear and transparent, there is still some turbidity and blur without purified crystal nuclei, of course, you can't see it without looking carefully.

"Elder Zheng, it's really hard for you, your research will definitely benefit all mankind!" Ji Chen said excitedly.

It can be imagined that if there is no crystal nucleus purification instrument, then how likely is it that a person who has absorbed ten years of crystal nuclei with impurities will eventually become a high-level powerhouse.

This is also the reason why when the king-level zombies and humans finally face off, the high-level supernatural on the human side is lacking.

"When I have the finished product, I will announce it immediately." Chu Yunting said.

However, the development of things is often faster than the change, just when Ji Chen was enthusiastically preparing for a month after releasing the news that the crystal nucleus can absorb and the crystal nucleus purifier, turning into a great man in the last days, on January 2021, 1, the Dawning Base issued a statement to the outside world, declaring that the supernatural can increase the level by absorbing the energy in the crystal nucleus, and if the major bases want to obtain a method of absorbing the crystal nucleus energy, they can send people to the Dawning Base with materials in exchange.

All over China bases are boiling!

Although many people have thought about absorbing the energy in the crystal nucleus after the end of the world, but because the method is not right, the vast majority of people have not succeeded, and some people even directly eat the crystal nucleus, but after eating, they still don't feel anything. And the successful Chu family has not announced this news because of the crystal nucleus purification.

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