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Chapter 49: Change

Chapter 49: Change

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High Score Novels: "Peerless Tianjiao" "My Career" "My Master is a Immortal" "Raising Ghosts for Woe" "Diba" "Full-Time Mage" "Futian Clan" "Chaos Sword God" "Zhenwu World" "Shenzang" "Super Soldier King" "Library of Heaven's Way" "Cold Door" "Peerless Medicine God" "Immortal Wuzun"

Qiao Zijia and Second Aunt Qiao talked about some things after the end of the world, and Second Aunt Qiao also talked about their current situation.

Qiao Zijia's cousin Qiao Zi and the speed system awakened the speed system after the end of the world, and Qiao Zijia's father Qiao Yunrong actually awakened the thunder system after the end of the world!

To know why Jing Xiu was able to establish the Yunguang Team in the Dawning Base, firstly, because he had the consciousness and ability to lead this leader, and secondly, because he was a second-level lightning system powerhouse.

Thunder system power, strong attack power, for zombies, especially for people, to talk about attack power, can be regarded as an invincible existence of the same level, Father Qiao can awaken this kind of power, no wonder he can live in the West District and become a team leader.

"My father actually awakened the power of the thunder system." Qiao Zijia felt a little incredible.

"That's true, not only that, I heard that he is now a first-level peak, in their cheetah guild, there are a total of three second-level powers, and your father can be regarded as a top five master."

"Then why doesn't my father live with your second aunt?" Qiao Zijia finally asked this doubt.

"This... Zijia, if," Second Aunt Qiao hesitated, "wouldn't you be sad if your father was with another woman?" Second Aunt Qiao asked suddenly.

"Second aunt," Qiao Zijia looked at Second Aunt Qiao, very surprised, "How can my father be with other women, my mother has only been gone for more than a month!"

She couldn't believe it in her heart, her family has always been harmonious, the end of the world has only been here for more than a month, how could Dad be like this? But for some reason, she faintly believed something in her heart.

Second Aunt Qiao sighed, "I don't know what to say to you. And your second uncle went, there are many things, I don't know very well, or wait for the son and come back to lead you to see your father, you are father and daughter, what words, just talk about it, in this last world, people are good to live, who cares about the rest?

"Second aunt, are you really talking?" Qiao Zijia was stunned, "Dad... Did Dad really do that?

Second Aunt Qiao nodded slowly, "I didn't want to talk to you about this matter, but you will always go home, now that you say it, you can be prepared."

Qiao Zijia fell violently to the ground.

Is the human heart really such a changeable thing? It's only been more than a month, her father used to be just an ordinary little citizen, no different from everyone else in this world, how could he do this now?

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