So the possibility of them taking the wrong path was very low.

However, finding a suitable place to camp was currently important. If they waited until nightfall, they would become even more vulnerable.

Xu Kaiyang's team had three ability users, so safety wasn't a big concern for them at the moment. The only issue was that the time for the rendezvous might be delayed. Fortunately, the teams had been dropped off at significant intervals, so there was no immediate concern about other teams targeting Xu Kaiyang's group.

"Let's search for a place to camp," Lin Weiran said after careful consideration. He took out a simple map from his spatial button and started looking for a location with a water source.

Each team had received a simple forest map before being dropped off. The map only marked the locations of important rivers and mountain peaks, without any details about the paths. The students had to rely on their own abilities to judge the routes.

Although the map was basic, it still had some usefulness.

"We landed here and walked in this direction for about seven hours. At our current speed, we should be around here," Lin Weiran spread the map on the ground and pointed to a few spots, explaining to everyone.

They hadn't used mechas and were traveling on foot, so their speed was not fast, and they hadn't covered a significant distance.

When they landed, Lin Weiran had observed the surroundings from above and noticed that their landing spot wasn't far from a river. Therefore, he quickly located their landing point on the map.

"Let's head in this direction. We should reach the riverbank soon, and there will be a camping spot there," Gao Lingqi added.

People like them, who occasionally camp outside during training, knew that it was best to stay near a riverbank at night. It would be easier in terms of safety and gathering resources.

Moreover, riverbanks often offered a broad view, making it easier to detect any potential human or wild animal threats.

"Then let's set off now. Hopefully, Xu Kaiyang and his team will also find this river, and maybe we'll meet up along the way," Liu Jialiang said optimistically.

As an ability user, Xu Kaiyang should have a good understanding of wilderness survival, so everyone wasn't worried about him and his team.

Thus, the group changed direction and headed towards the river.

After about an hour of walking, constantly adjusting their direction with the help of the map, they still couldn't see the river. They hadn't even heard the sound of flowing water. Doubts started to creep in, and Liu Jialiang couldn't help but wonder if they were really going the right way.

Even Lin Weiran, who had been confident at first, began to waver. But the map was all they had, and without a detailed one, they couldn't be completely certain of the direction.

Xiao Qingyang looked around at the surroundings, checked his internal energy storage, and felt that he had enough to release his spiritual perception.

Moreover, being on the same planet as the Royal Military Academy meant that there was spiritual energy in the air that could replenish his energy at any time, which made him happy.

So Xiao Qingyang released his spiritual perception once again, carefully investigating everything within its range. As the range of his perception expanded, he finally "saw" the river they had set as their target.

"The direction is correct. The river is up ahead, just a few kilometers away. We'll definitely reach it if we keep going," Xiao Qingyang informed everyone.

All eyes turned to Xiao Qingyang. Among them were ability users and mecha warriors. Especially the ability users, with their heightened senses of smell and hearing, but even so, Gao Lingqi couldn't hear the sound of the river. How did Xiao Qingyang know they weren't going the wrong way?

Gao Lingqi voiced his doubts, and Xiao Qingyang couldn't tell everyone that he had "seen" it with his spiritual perception. So he said, "It's just a gut feeling. I really love nature, and every time I'm in the forest, I feel a close connection to nature. So, in this regard, my instincts are pretty accurate."

In fact, Xiao Qingyang wasn't entirely lying. He had elven bloodline in him, which made him feel close to nature. Even without relying on his spiritual perception, he could use the surrounding flora to determine the direction of the river. Spiritual perception just made it quicker and more convenient.

"Then let's continue walking," Lin Weiran said, signifying his trust in Xiao Qingyang.

Although others still had doubts, Xiao Qingyang was their teammate, and they should give their teammates a certain level of trust, just as Xiao Qingyang had trusted them before.

Moreover, they didn't have a better way to detect the location of the river at the moment, so they could only continue walking forward and figure out a solution if necessary.

After another half an hour or so, they finally heard the sound of the flowing river.

"The river is not far ahead," Gao Lingqi twitched his ears and estimated the distance based on the sound he heard. He excitedly informed everyone.

As a white tiger in his beast form, Gao Lingqi's hearing and sense of smell were more acute than humans. Therefore, he heard the sound of the water before everyone else did, further confirming the accuracy of Xiao Qingyang's earlier statement. Gao Lingqi admired him even more.

With a target in sight, everyone became more motivated and continued walking without any rest.

"Qingyang, Xiaotian, can you two hold on?" Lin Weiran asked with concern.

For ability users and mecha warriors, they usually underwent physical training and could go for a day or even three days and nights without getting tired. But the situation was different for Gu Xiaotian and Xiao Qingyang. Their majors didn't involve much physical training, and on top of that, both of them had relatively weak constitutions, which caused some worries among the group.

Although they could carry these two in the mechas, the mechas provided by the school had limited energy, so they needed to conserve it. That's why they chose to travel on foot in the beginning, trying to save various resources.

"I'm fine," Xiao Qingyang replied, slightly panting.

After taking the strength-enhancing pill, his physique had improved significantly. Otherwise, he would have probably been exhausted and collapsed after a day of walking.

However, even with the pill, his legs now felt like they were filled with lead, and he just wanted to lie down and rest. Luckily, they were about to reach the riverside soon, where they could set up camp and take a rest.

Gu Xiaotian hadn't taken any physique-enhancing drugs, but his own physical level was already at grade C, slightly higher than Xiao Qingyang. However, due to his lack of exercise, he too was dragging his leaden legs forward, relying on his willpower.

"I'm... I'm fine too," Gu Xiaotian replied, gasping for breath. He didn't want to slow down the pace of the group because of himself.

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