Wedding Plans

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Since the proposal, Sonic was busy with other weddings. Knuckles on the other hand hoped their wedding would not be like last time.

But things are busy between them. Luckily for Knuckles, he's allowed to sleep with Sonic again.

But Sonic would rather go to the courthouse to be married at. To him it was more faster and possibly cheaper.

But due to him being so busy, being wed is impossible.

Though Knuckles would be married if Sonic wasn't so busy so much with being a wedding planner.

Though one afternoon, Knuckles had to drop off Sonics lunch. He kinda knew Sonic wasn't planning anything for the two of them.

He saw Sonic about to take a lunch break but he had to check on everything for the weddings he keeps planning.

Knuckles greeted Sonic, "Hey hun." Sonic replied to him as he looked at the honey colored dress, "Oh hey Knux. What's up?"

Knuckles replied, "Well me and your mother made you some lunch. Knowing how busy you are."

Sonic then said as he looked at the matching heels and veil, "Thats nice but I'm gonna be 5 minutes late for lunch."

Knuckles then got to the point as he asked, "Sonic, when is our wedding?"

Sonic froze before he resumes expecting the accessories and said, "Look Knuckles, I've been thinking. Maybe we should just go to the courthouse."

Knuckles asked in a disappointment tone, "But why?" Sonic replied as he then looks at the jewelry, "Cause it's not worth it. Besides it just reminds me of mine and Rika's wedding from 12 years ago. Plus the owner of St. Lily's church was a tad upset about the 'wedding'. So I earned extra money to pay her back."

Knuckles asked as Sonic finished expecting the honey colored wedding supplies and clothes, "But what about I plan the wedding?"

Sonic replied with a sigh, "I'm sorry Knuc. But at least we can just be married. But we haft to be married at the courthouse."

That's when they heard a foot being stomped as a familiar voice said, "Oh no your not."

They turn to see Scourge and Rokuta.

Rokuta then said as he walked to them, "Dude. You two don't need to be married at the courthouse. Let us handle your wedding plans."

Sonic replied to him, "Rokuta, that's nice but neither of you don't haft to..."

Scourge then interrupted, "No buts blue. You have been planning weddings multiple times for other people already. Now it's our turns to bring a little wedding magic with your fiancé."

That's when Sonia and Shadow appeared behind them as she said, "Yeah little brother, at least let us do your wedding planning."

Fiona then said as she appeared behind one of the wedding dresses, "Yeah, you have been doing a lot. The least you can do is let us make your weddings a dream come true."

That's when Fiona made a 'please let us do it' face. Similar to a puppy face.

Sonic sighs deeply and said, "Okay fine. You guys can plan our wedding."

Fiona squealed in excitement. Then Shadow pushed them to the exit and said, "Let us do all the work faker."

Sonic asked, "At least don't push us?"

Then Hoku said as he appeared behind Shadow, "Look why don't you two crazy kids have a picnic at the park while we do all the work okay? I promise we'll have this wedding finished before both your sons first birthday."

Sonic and Knuckles asked, "Promise?"

Hoku and the others then said happily, "Promise."

Once Sonic and Knuckles went to the park for a picnic, Rokuta then said, "Alright ladies and gentlemen let's get this wedding planning started."

Then Jules, Manic, Lara-Lee, Locke, and a few others came out of their hiding spots.

Manic asked, "Can we hurry this up? I promised my wife I go pick up my kids at school." Shadow then said, "Yeah and we gotta pick up Misa at school and little Night at the daycare center."

Rokuta replied, "No need to be in a hurry dudes. We haft to get this wedding finished before Shade and Flaires first birthday."

Everyone muttered in agreement before they started planning the wedding. Fiona and Sonia are in charge of the clothes,

Locke and Jules were in charge of the decorations,

Lara-Lee was in charge of baking, Manic and Hoku are in charge of the flowers.

Manic asked, "How come I'm in charge of the floral stuff with Hoku?"

Scourge answered, "Sorry Manic. But we ran out of positions. Plus I got dibs on the music planning. Rokuta and Shadow are in charge of the food."

Manic groaned in distress as Hoku shook his head in an disagreement way.

Their wedding is going to be the most perfect one ever.

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