Bad News

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Just after dinner, a knock was heard. Satoko whispered to Sonic, "Dad I think she's back."

Sonic replied as he stood up, "We'll just see about that." He walked off to the front door and opened it.

To his relief it was Grey-Sky and his son 'Neko'. Sonic asked, "What's on your mind Grey?"

That's when Grey-Sky asked, "Would you mind if we come in?" Sonic shook his head cause he never minded Grey-Sky visiting (even when he's with his family).

Just after sitting down and Neko and Satoko are alone, Sonic told Grey-Sky what happened. Once Grey-Sky knows about it, he said, "Figures Red boy would crawl back to you." Thats when Grey-Sky said with a grim expression, "I'm afraid I have some bad news Sonic."

Sonic asked, "What's that?" Grey-Sky answered, "Amy Rose is released from the asylum." Sonic gasped as Satoko and Neko heard too.

Sonic asked, "But how? She was sentenced there with no possible release!" Grey-Sky answered him as Neko and Satoko looked concerned, "Well from what I heard from my wife, one of her older sisters payed for her bail in exchange for Amy to be on parole."

Sonic asked, "Has she lost her mind?! That pink brat killed Rika." Grey-Sky replied to him, "I'm aware she killed her Sonic but she's on parole which means she can't get near you or your daughters without violating her parole."

Satoko and Neko were not happy as Neko asked in shock, "The woman who murdered your mother is released? How's this possible?"

Satoko replied to him, "I dunno Neko. But if I see her near my father or my sisters I will make her pay for what she did."

Satoko was a little silent and said, "I lost my Mom but I cannot lose either of my sisters or my Dad, they're all I have left. I also don't wanna lose you too Neko. Your my best friend."

Neko frowned and said, "I know Satoko. I know." He then said with determination on his face, "But no matter what happens, we will do what we can for your family."

Satoko smiled a little and said, "Thank you Neko. I dunno what I did to deserve you as a best friend."

Though that was only Day 1. The beginning. But the gap between Sonic and Knuckles was as wide as it was when they got divorced. Closing the gap is difficult.

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