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Sonics pov

There was a time, where I was young and naive.

I was in love once with the man I have always loved and trusted. His name is Knuckles. He and I were once rivals but then, we became friends. Though at the time, I grew feelings for him as much as he did.

I be lying if I said, he never felt the same way. But he did. I didn't see the signs when he was flirting with me, pining me to walls and asking me out.

He confessed to me within a month. Through all my cockiness, I confessed to him as well. Not long after, we started dating.

Though one person or two wasn't happy about us being together.

Those two people were Amy and Rouge. The girls that had a thing for us.

Amy was one hideous piece of envy. Rouge was no different.

The day Knuckles and I got engaged, it was like the most terrific moment of my life. But it wasn't the same for Amy and Rouge.

When we got married, it was great. Unfortunately, it kinda disappointed my family a little. But not my Mother. She supported me.

We were only married for a year, until things went down really badly. Rouge and Amy made a plan to rip our marriage to pieces.

Amy try to seduce me and made me look like I was cheating on Knuckles.

Sadly it worked. Rouge took a picture and everything and faked us being together. Knuckles and I had an argument that day.

I tried to tell him I loved him and everything. But Knuckles didn't believe me. He said I was a cheater and a liar. I tried everything to make our love perfect but Knuckles wouldn't hear of it. He always thought I was a cheater.

We slept separately and never talk to each other. I wanted to undo what happened. I loved him but nothing could make him see, Amy was faking it.

But he still will not believe me.

As a result, Rouge made sure she got what she wanted. My ex. Knuckles was with her. The two got together while we were still married.

I thought he and her were just talking things out about our marriage. But I was wrong. He divorced me. I was heartbroken, when he kissed Rouge in front of me.

It made sense. They wanted us apart. I felt betrayed by him. My love for him, shattered and broken. He told me he can't be with a cheater like me.

Things I didn't say and everything I didn't do.

That's when I said to him, "That is it. I've had enough. What is the point of trying to see and try to fix our marriage? If you can't see I wasn't cheating, then I have no reason to be with you. I'm tired of chasing after you. We're done."

We were officially divorced. I went to a bar 1 week after our divorce was final. He said he never want to see a 'cheater' like me. I never cheated. But if he's too stupid to see that, then I can't be with someone 'who doesn't trust me'. Though my friend 'Tails' and my two childhood friends believe me.

One night at the bar, me and Rika got a little drunk. She came with me cause she wanted to help me out. She helped me pull myself together.

No sooner after we got drunk, we... Let's just say things went crazy between us.

The next morning, I realized Rika was pregnant and I am the babies father. No doubt I impregnated her.

Rika didn't know what to do so, I made a solution.

We will be officially married and we raise the baby together.

Our marriage made our families proud. We didn't tell them until after we got married.

In time, we began to love each other, just as much as we love our first born child.

Her name is Satoko... She had my green eyes and a mixture of out fur color.

Sadly Amy was more jealous.

But I made sure she doesn't do anything to harm my family.

Those were good times, the three of us, me, Rika, and our little Satoko.

She grew into a bright young girl. Though the days turn more magical when our second daughter was born.

Risa, she's a little bit like me but with magenta eyes. Satoko was a little jealous but she grew fond of her little sister.

Everything was going great. I even became a wedding planner. With the help of Rika's brothers. I even hired Scourge, Fiona, and Fang. Why?
They're reformed so don't worry.

My life was going great. I have a loving wife, two beautiful daughters, and a career.

Though, things got bad after my third daughter was born.

Amy saw the opportunity to poison Rika while she was giving birth to my third daughter.

A day after that, Rika died. But I was lucky. Because, my third daughter survived.

Amy was going to kill her too but, the doctor called police and arrested her at the spot.

My little miracle, I was relieved she was saved. I knew Rika was watching over us.

I named my third daughter, Maddox. She had both mine and Rika's eye color. She looked just like her but with my blue fur color.

After Rika's funeral, my mother offered to move in with me, just she can help. I accepted her offer.

I do get condolences from my family and hers. But, it won't be easy.

Luckily I cannot be a broken mess. It can cause my family to fall apart.

Amy was sentenced to the institution for the criminally insane. I could never forgive her for what she done.

I'm a widowed man and a father of three. I'm still keeping my dignity up as a wedding planner.

Though, to start fresh, we moved to a new house. That was perfect. We still live in the area but we needed to be living in a house. Me and Rika had our eyes on it since Risa was born.

That is where it all began.

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