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Just after Scourge said that, Sonic smiled a little. He remembered that day she helped him.

<11 years ago>

After the divorce: Sonic rented an apartment room (an apartment complex that has its own bar). Sonic kept drinking to drown his sorrows.

He had some chats with the bartender 'who was a friendly gay bear boy' but it wasn't enough to fill his brother heart.

He went there once a day while paying rent. Until one day Rika came up to the apartment after hearing about the divorce.

Rika knocked on the door and opened it. She saw her friend on the couch, broken and feeling depressed.

Rika rushed to him and said, "Sonic are you okay?" Sonic replied sarcastically, "I'm doing good considering my ex-husband thinks I'm a deceiving cheater."

He then cried on the couch as Rika said with her left foot stomping on the ground once, "Maurice Olgilvie Hedgehog Pull yourself together! You cannot be broken forever!"

Sonic looked at her before he stood up and said, "Your right. Sorry Rika. I'm just... I can't do this alone.." He started crying as Rika placed a hand on his shoulder, "Don't you dare worry dude. I'll help you. We're both friends after all."

Sonic looked up at the magenta eyes of his friend and supposed fiancé as he smiled sadly. She was a determined woman.

In 1 whole minute, Sonic and Rika hung out and Sonic was feeling a little better. It was nice to have one friend care about him.

He was relieved she believed him. Cause she was there when Amy and Rouge set him up.

One night it was happening. Rika and Sonic went to the same bar as the bear bartender asked, "You look better, so who's your girlfriend?"

Sonic replied, "She's not my girlfriend Chance, she's just a childhood friend and supposed fiancé."

Chance The Bartender Bear chuckled and said, "I heard that before. Anyways, want your usual?"

Sonic replied, "Make that two dude." Chance nodded and gave the two hedgehogs a bottle of alcohol.


Scourge asked, "So the night that Satoko was created was also the night you two got together."

Sonic sat down and said, "Yeah. I first found out about it in the morning."


Sonic woke up with a headache as he groaned. He sat up and said, "That's the last time I ever go to that place."

He heard someone throwing up as he looked to see Rika at the bathroom.

Sonic asked as he runs to her, "Ri, are you okay?"

Rika was sobbing softly as she said, "S-Sonic..?"

Sonic asked as he kneeled next to her, "What is it?" Rika pointed to the floor and said weakly, "Look..." Sonic looks to see as he gasped. It was a pregnancy test. It tested positive.

Rika sobbed as Sonic realized he impregnated her. Rika looked at him and said, "I don't know what to do. I'm scared. I wanna keep it but I don't..." She trailed off as Sonic made a solution.

He said, "Rika? Settle down." Rika obeyed him as he said, "I gotta be honest, I wanted to start a family but I didn't it would happen with my ex-husband. But, I will stay with you and raise him or her together."

Rika asked, "You mean?" Sonic nodded and said, "Rika? Will you marry me? I know it's an arranged marriage and all but, your the only one now Rika Flora."

Rika smiled and said, "Oh Sonic. Yes." The two hugged each other. That's when Sonic called his father and told him he and Rika are officially going to be married.

Jules 'in amazement' said, "haha. I knew you come to your senses son. I'll call Fierce and tell him."

Sonic then said, "We'll make some arrangements." Jules replied, "There's no need. Rika's brothers are wedding planners."

<flashback ends>

Scourge then said, "Even if it was an arranged marriage, you still end up marrying her." Sonic replied to him, "I have no regrets. Though after we got married, Rokuta and Hoku offered me the wedding planner job. They showed me some pointers, The pays good so I didn't mind. I also remember the day Satoko was born. We had to change our names to the Royale family before that."

<11 Years ago>

Sonic was at the waiting room with a 'It's A Girl' balloon. He then fell asleep an hour later, until he felt a hand on his shoulder. He opened his eyes to see the doctor.

He smiled as the doctor said, "Congratulations Mr. Royale, your a proud Father of one healthy baby girl."

Sonic asked as he stood up, "Can I see her and my wife is she..?" The doctor replied, "Calm yourself sir, she's okay too. But you can go see them."

Sonic thanked the doctor and went to see his wife and new daughter.

Once Sonic arrived, he walked in and asked, "How are you doing sweetie?" Rika replied, "A little sore but I'll be fine." Sonic asked, "And our daughter?"

Rika revealed her as she said, "Here she is." Sonic gasped with a smile as he said, "She's beautiful." The baby opened her emerald green eyes as Sonic said, "Hi sweetheart. How are you?" She sees her parents and smiled.

Both Rika and Sonic had tears in their eyes as Sonic asked, "So what are we going to name her?" Rika replied, "We did agreed with my parents to name our children Japanese names for some reason. Hehe. But I'm thinking Satoko."

Sonic replied, "Works for me." He then looked at Baby Satoko and said, "Hey Satoko. Hey honey."


Sonic then replied, "Everyone agreed Satoko was the most beautiful girl ever. Though the hospital room was over crowded."

The two laughed out loud as Sonic chuckled.

That's when he noticed a figure outside, it was Marina with Baby Maddox (now 10 months old)

Sonic asked himself, "Maddox?" He turns to Scourge and said, "I'll be right back." He runs to them and asked, "Marina, what's going on?"

Marina replied, "Well I gotta take your Mother to the hospital and my spouse has called in sick." Sonic understood the situation before he took the little baby and said, "It's okay Marina. I'll look after her until your done. I thank you for telling me this."

He looked to see his mother in the passenger seat of Marina's car as she waved.

Sonic waved back as Marina said, "We'll be back Mr. Royale. Again I apologize for this sudden..." He then said, "It's okay, Marina. I got lunch break anyway. I'll see you later."

He walks off with Maddox as Marina sighs in relief and gets into her car and drives Aleena to the doctor.

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