Asylum Visit

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Downtown where the city is busy, the institution for the criminally insane (The Asylum) was a little spooky.

<this is what I picture the Asylum would look like>

Inside were the countless screams of inmates and patience locked in cells and solitary confinement

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Inside were the countless screams of inmates and patience locked in cells and solitary confinement. Doctors, nurses, and security were present.

One of the nurses muttered while walking, "They don't pay me enough to do this crap." She then walked to Amy's cell. The doctor arrived and opened the door.

There was Amy in a patience gown and a chain on her leg.

The doctor said to the nurse, "Jealousy can mess up a person completely. Never tell the difference between fake or real feelings. A lady shouldn't come close to being this messy to the point of doing something screwy. I maybe wrong but, I dunno if we could do this." The nurse replied to him, "I agree Doctor but her sister already paid for her release. I say, it's just looney. When she's release who knows how awful people will treat her. But she did agree that she has to be under parole."

The doctor replied to the nurse, "I say for the better nurse, but Alyssa already agreed if she's released then she has to be wear the ankle bracelet to prevent her from getting anywhere near Sonic and his daughters. Those two girls are just like him when he was a teenager. Though little Satoko will be down that road soon." He then walks out for a bit as The nurse took a smoke and said, "Amy Rose? Your sister 'Alyssa' has paid your bail and your being release tomorrow. But she agreed that you haft to be under parole. Also, you have a visitor."

Amy looked down and said with tears, "Who could it be? If it's Sonic, then tell him I..." The nurse replied, "Actually Ms. Rose. It's a female bat." Amy looked up and said, "Rouge? Very well." The nurse unlocked her ankle and said, "Don't get any ideas."

Amy nodded before walking over to the visitor section. Once she saw Rouge, she sat down.

Rouge greeted, "Hey Amy." Then Amy greeted back flatly, "Hey Rouge, long time no see. How are things?" Rouge answered with her head down, "They were good at first but then I felt ashamed for what I have done. 8 months ago, I told Knuckles the truth. I confessed that me and you were breaking them apart."

Amy replied to her, "I went berserk. I killed Rika Flora and I try to kill her baby. But failed. Sonic really hates me for what I have done. As if, breaking him up with Knuckles was worst enough. Now here I am, trapped in an asylum for murder and attempted murder. I felt so awful. I almost killed a baby."

She broke down into tears and said, "We never shoulda broke them up. What should we do Rouge?" Rouge answered her as she looked down, "To be honest, I don't know. Knuckles wasn't happy about me and you faking it." Amy asked, "Have you talk to Sonic?" Rouge answered her, "No. Not in 11 years. Last time we saw Sonic, he said he was tired of chasing him. That was the day he officially divorced Knuckles. I think he lost interest in him."

Amy sighed deeply and said, "Well to be honest, I felt super horrible for what I did." Rouge replied, "Look, I'm sure Rika's spouse is forgiving." Amy replied to her, "I don't think you understand, Sonic was her husband. He's the father of Rika's children." Rouges eyes widened at it. Both girls looked down, they wished they coulda changed the past but they couldn't.

Amy looked at Rouge and blushed as she asked, "What should we actually do? Should we get them back together again?" Rouge replied with a shrug, "I am not sure that's possible I'm afraid. I don't think Sonic could stand to look at him. We need a plan."

Though visiting hours were over as Amy was escorted back to her cell. She won't like the bad attention she will be given on her release, but what can she and Rouge do to undo what they did?

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