"Well, go on. We haven't got all day."

"Remember what will happen to your friends."

"You've been warned."

I start to walk until I realize something 

"Why don't you do it yourselves?" I ask the creatures

"We can't read." one answers.

"Can't write either, as a matter of fact." another joins in

"Or add."

I ignore them and grab Lucy so that we can get this over with.

"Beware The Oppressor."

"He's very oppressive."

"What makes the unseen seen, got it?"

I ignore the voice and keep walking inside this invisible mansion. As soon as me and Lucy got past the doors they shut on us.

"Welp," I shrug and keep going. I look around the room and it seems like we are in a library. The shelves here are full of books and loads of information.

"What that?" Lucy points to the stand. We walked over to it and there was a book on top. 

The book's title was scrambled and didn't make sense.

"Is that even English?" Lucys asks.

"I doubt it."

A stupid idea popped into my head.

I took in a deep breath and blew on the book. Then the letters got unscrambled and went into words.

The Book of Incantations.

"I can't believe that worked," Lucy laughed.

"Me too."

We start flipping through the book when one spell captures our eye.


"Let's try it," I say.

"Together?" Lucy asks.

"Together," I answer.

"With these words, Your tongue must sew For all around there to be snow" Me and Lucy as together. The air in the room went cold as little snowflakes began to fall from the ceiling. I step away from the stand and try to catch one on my tongue.

"I can't believe that worked," I cheer. As the snow piled up I began playing more and more in it.

"Alright," I say snapping out of my childlike fantasy. "Let's find that spell," I say walking towards Lucy but she was already mumbling some spell.

"I'm beautiful." I hear Lucy mumble

"Of course you are Lu-" I go to say then she snaps at me.

"No, wait!"  She glared at the spell and tried again.

"Make me she, whom I'd agree..."

Out of nowhere a gust of wind came in messing Lucy up in her spell casting.

"Lucy! Are you okay," I ask her.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine. Let's just find that spell so that we can leave,"

Lucy flips through some more pages until she finds it.

"Here it is."

"A spell to make the unseen seen. Like the 'p' in psychology The 'h' in psychiatry Invisible ink And the truth in theology. Now all is visible" Me and Lucy are together.

Soon things all around the library started appearing. One of these things was an old man who was startled that we could see him.

"Um hello," I wave to him.

"Ahh, who are you?"


Me and Lucy explained what was going on to the mad. It turned out the man was the infamous Oppressor.

The mansion doors opened and all three of us walked out.

"Astrea!" I hear my boyfriend's voice say.

He comes up and hugs me.

"I thought something bad happened to you," Edmund says.

"I am okay Ed, the Oppresor can help us with the Lords," I say beaming.

"Who?" Ed asks. 

"This is Coriakin. It's his island." Lucy explains

"You have wronged us, magician." A very familiar but annoying voice said. I looked to see where it came from and it turned out that the people who kidnapped me were short men with one big foot.

"I have not wronged you. I  made you invisible for your own protection." Coriakin explains to the weird creatures.

"Protection? That's oppressive! Oppressor!" one says

"I have not oppressed you," Coriakin explains

"But you could've if you'd wanted to." another creature says.

"Begone," Coriakin commands as he blows out some blue things from his hand.

"It's a spell!" One says and they all scramble off.

"What was that?" Caspian asks him.

"Lint. But don't tell them." Coriakin smirks

"What were those things?" I hear Eustace's voice say.

"Dufflepuds," Coriakin answers like it's obvious.

"Right, of course. Silly me."

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