Chapter 16

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~Late Night Talks~

Peter was leading us to Aslan knows where, claiming he knew where to go. I think he is lost. Susan and Lucy were straggling behind him, then Trumpkin, then Me and Edmund.

"Peter, are you sure this is the right way?" I ask.


"I don't remember this way at all," Susan says looking around at the rocky wall surrounding us.

"That's the problem with girls. You can't carry a mapin your heads" Peter says rudely.
"That‟s because our heads have something in them." Lucy snaps back.

Edmund smirks at Lucy's comment and I snicker.

 "I wish he'd just listen to the DLF."

The what?

" DLF?" Edmund asks from beside me. 

"Dear Little Friend," Lucy answers

 Trumpkin stops walking for a moment "Oh, that‟s not patronizing, is it?"

I let out a snicker and Edmund elbows me.

"Ouch," I say to him and he just smirks.

That stupid smirk

Peter steps into a rock passage and stops, "I'm not lost."  he says.

" No... You're just going the wrong way." Trumpkin points out.

 Peter turns around and faces him. "You said you last saw Caspian at the ShudderingWood, and the quickest way there is to cross at the riverrush."

 "But, unless I'm mistaken, there's no crossing inthese parts."

"That explains it then. You're mistaken." Peter rudely says and keeps walking.

"Ed, I'm going to punch your brother," I say grinding my teeth in anger about Peter's attitude.

"Be my guest, I've been wanting to punch him for years."

We continue walking until we get to the gorge. I look down at the rushing water below and give a pointed look to Peter.

"Over hundreds of years, water eroded the earth'ssoil..." Susan starts to explain. 

"Oh, shut up. Is there a way down? " Peter asks Trumpkin

"Yeah, falling. Come. There's a ford at Beruna.Any of you mind swimming?" Trumpkin asks

"Anything's better than walking," I say. "My feet hurt."

"Do you want me to carry you?" Edmund asks.

"Would you really? That's so sweet." I say smiling.

"No, I'm joking," He says and walks away with his stupid smirk.

I catch up with him and punch his arm. 

"Asshole," I say to him.

"Aslan? ... " Lucy calls out. I turn my head around to look for him. "It‟s Aslan! It‟s Aslan over there! Well,can‟t you see? He‟s right... " She turns back to where she saw him and her smile quickly fades. ".. there."

"Do you see him now?" Trumpkin taunts.

 " I'm not crazy. He was there. He wanted us to followhim." Lucy pleads 

" I'm sure there are any number of lions in this wood.Just like that bear." Peter dismissed her.

" I think I know Aslan when I see him." Lucy sasses.

The Secret Warrior (Edmund Pevensie fanfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora