Chapter 5

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~Spring is Here ~

After we parted ways from the fox we started back on our journey to Aslan. Most of the journey was in silence. I was admiring the scenery.

Susan walks up beside me and speaks.

"I heard you," she says.


"When you were talking to Edmund. You tried to convince him to stay. That was very nice of you," She said with a smile.

"I'm positive that any nice person would do the same."

A minute of silence passes by.

"Don't worry about what he said. He was probably under some spell by the Witch." She says to me.

"I won't," I say to her.

After that, it was mostly in silence. Until I hear Peter ask Lucy what she likes about the winter. Then Lucy talks about why she loves the winter. He's probably trying to distract her.

"Winter means snow and hot chocolate and Christmas of course," she gushes.

"What's Christmas?" I ask.

Lucy and Peter whip their heads toward me like I said something odd.

"It's the time when Father Christmas comes to your house with a sack of gifts and brings presents. Do you now celebrate it?" Lucy asks.

"I remember what it is now. I've just never celebrated it," I say.

"Well after we get Edmund back I'm going to help you experience your first Christmas."

"Really? Thanks, Lucy," I say to her.

"Now Aslan's camp is just over there by the stone tables just across the frozen river." Mr. Beavr says pointing in the direction.

"River?" Susan asks

"It's been frozen for years." Mrs. Beaver says.

"It seems so far," Peter says and snicker at his comment.

"It's the world deer, did you expect it to be small?" Mrs. Beaver laughs and walks along with Mr. Beaver.

"Smaller," Susan says.


More and more walking and we trail further behind.

"Come on, before we're old," Mr. Beaver says to us.

"If he tells me to 'hurry up' one more time, I'm going to turn him into a big fluffy hat," Peter says irritated."

Right after Peter says that. Mr. Beaver yells at him again.

"Hurry up Son-of-Adam! We don't have all day."

Peter rolls his eyes at his antics.

"He is getting kind of bossy," Lucy says.

Out of nowhere in the distance, we hear bells ringing which could only mean one thing.

"It's the Witch," I shout pointing to the sleigh in the distance.

"Everybody run!" Mr. Beaver shouts.

Peter grabs Lucy's hands and drags her to catch up with the rest of us.

We race across the snow and into the little forest area. Once inside the little forest area Mr. Beaver points to a little hiding spot where all of us can fit.

"Quick, down here." Mr. Beaver says and we all pile together into the cave-like thing 

We stop hearing the bells and silence passes over us.

The Secret Warrior (Edmund Pevensie fanfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora