Chapter 13

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~Back Home~

*One week later*

The postman's familiar rat-tat sounded on the door, our hearts beat faster with apprehension.


I snap my head out of the book and see Susan calling me.

"Come on, we are not missing the train and I want to pick up a magazine before we get on,"

I close my book 'A.B.C Murders' and catch up with Susan.

As we exit the library, the sun shines on my face and the outside brightens. I squint my eyes to adjust to the light and keep walking.

"Fix your skirt," Susan whispers to me.

I look down and see that it is all bunched up.

"Thank you," I say quickly pulling it down. That would have been super embarrassing if someone were to see my undergarments.

Susan smiles at me and we head to her favorite magazine stand.

She sorts through the piles examining each one.

"Susan just pick one, we don't have all day," I tease.

"You're one to talk, you spent 45 minutes searching for a good book," Susan rolls her eyes and smiles.

She's right

I shake off her comment and let her keep looking.

Out of the corner of my eye, I see two boys walking toward us. One of them speaks up.

"You two go to St. Finbar's?" One of the blonde-haired boys asks.

Susan turns around and nods

"That's correct," she says turning back around to her magazines.

The other boy with light brown hair speaks up. 

"Um we go to Hendon House across the street, we've seen you two... mostly alone," he mutters out the last part.

"I like to be alone to read, reading with people around me is a distraction," I answer.

"Yes well I just prefer to be left alone," Susan says, turning again from the boys.

"Us too." The blonde one smiles.

"What's your name?" The light brown-haired one asks.

"I'm Alice," I lie with a small smile.

"I'm Phyllis," Susan says.

"Well, do either of you have-" Lucy interrupted the brown-haired boy by yelling our actual names across the street.

"Astrea! Susan!" Lucy runs up to us.

Me and Susan share a look at each other wondering what's going on.

"You better come quick," Lucy says and takes off towards the train station.

Susan drops the magazine she was holding and we run off to follow Lucy


Once we went down the stairs to the station all I heard was yelling and shouting.

What is going on?

My question was quickly answered when I saw Peter throw a punch at a guy, then another guy punched Peter.

Another fight, really?

Other guys jumped in the fight and started to hit Peter. I look around for Edmund and I see him on the bottom step of the platform. He turns around and makes eye contact with me. I already know what he's thinking. 

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