Chapter 2

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~A girl?~

I snuck out the next morning to watch the sunrise. I don't really get to see it a lot, but it will never cease to amaze me.

I'm not really allowed to be out much in the day unless I'm with Oreius. Just in case something sees me and reports back to the queen.

It sucks sometimes to be a secret, you can't ever talk to anyone about it. I don't want it to seem that I am ungrateful because I am definitely not that. I just really wish I had someone my age to talk to.

I get back in the house and lay down in my bed just thinking.

My thoughts always consume me and time so I let my brain wander for a while.

After a while, I go upstairs to talk to the Beavers and I find a note.

Mr. and Mrs. Beaver left me a note saying how they would be out gathering food for the day.

I sneak back out later in the day to go to my secret hiding place. It's quite some ways away from the dam, it's a mini house I made carved into a mountain.

It's near some faun's place but he never goes this way.

On my way there I noticed something moving towards the lamp post. I duck down underneath the branches and look to see what it is.

What if it's the queen and she's come to get me?

I gasped at the thought of being taken away.

I try to make out what it is and I see that it's a faun... wait not it's not. The thing has legs like mine and a face like mine.

It is another human?

I move the bush branch out of the way to get a closer look.

It is a girl.

A young girl.

The girl had short golden brown hair and eyes full of wonder.

I try to slowly step back but a branch cracks. The girl whipped her head towards me and made eye contact.

"Hello," she waved at me.

I slowly make my way to her in caution and wave back.

"Hi, sorry to bother but, but where are we?"

I stare blankly at her. In awe that I just found another human.

"Um. do you not speak English?"

I snap out of my thoughts.

"I do, it's just that, I've never seen another human here before," I say sheepishly.

"Well, I'm happy to be the first," the girl laughs.

"Where did you come from?" I ask

"Well I came through the wardrobe in the spare room-"

"Spar oom? I've never heard of that place in Narnia," I blurt.

The Girl gives me a confused look.

"What's Narnia?" she asks.

Is she serious?

"You're standing in it," I say with a smile. From the lamppost and forward, every ice sickle, tree, and mountain is Narnia." I explain to the girl

"Wow," the girl says in awe.

"I'm sorry. This is my first time meeting another human. I'm Astrea." I introduce myself

"I'm Lucy Pevensie," the girl Lucy says and holds out her hand.

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