Chapter 11

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~New Home~

*five years later*

I wake up feeling my body being shaken awake.

"Astrea, the white stage has been spotted. We need to go." Edmund says to me.

I quickly jumped of out bed put on some clothes and raced toward the stables to get Luna.

In the past 15 years, Luna has gotten with Phillip, Edmunds's horse, and had a few kids with him. She always jokes that the same thing will happen to me and Edmund. I tell her that it will never happen.

"Morning Luna," I greet her and ready my saddle.

"Morning Astrea," she greets me.

"In a hurry aren't we?" she asks.

"Yes, someone has spotted the white stag," I explain to her.

"Oh, why didn't you say so," Luna says.

I quickly jump on my saddle and she takes off into the woods.

Luna runs quickly and catches up with Edmund who left a few minutes before me.

After 15 years I still get these stupid butterflies and It has gotten worse. Especially after he kissed me that night that Prince Kaden said all those things to me.

It was in the dead of night when I heard someone knocking on my door. I slowly get up and open it and see that its Edmund. I quickly let him in and locked the door behind me.

"Nightmare?" I ask. He always comes over when he has nightmares

"No, I just wanted your presence," he says.

I get in bed and he sits on the edge of the bed.

"I thought what you did was bloody amazing," he says.

"Thank you, That stupid Prince needed to be put in his place," I say rolling my eyes.

Edmund laughed and climbed over to me.

He gets under the blankets and wraps one of his arms around my waist. I turn towards him so that we're facing each other.


"Yes Queen"

"What's a London?"

Edmund's eye shot wide open.

"You don't know what London is?" Edmund asks teasingly.

"No," I answer shyly.

"I forget you don't get out much," Edmund laughs.

"Hey," I say and push his shoulder. He pushes me back and we start fake hitting each other.

Edmund wins once again and lays down beside me without breaking eye contact. Our breaths mellow out and we just stare at each other with a smile.

Soon both me and Edmund leaned in closer and closer until our lips touched once again.

His lips are as soft as I can remember and this time there are no interruptions. Edmund pushes us close and keeps kissing me. We pull apart to breath and we don't speak. We just smile and wrap our limbs around each other. Falling asleep peacefully in each others arms

That morning we acted as if nothing happened and I wonder if the night means anything to him like it does for me.

Now is not the time to reminisce, we've got a stag to catch.

After some more running Edmund's horse slows to a stop.

"Honey?" Luna asks her husband

"You alright there Phillip?" Edmund asks

"Not as young as I used to be," Phillip answers

Susan and Lucy catch up to us

"Come on Ed," Susan taunts.

"Just catching my breath," Edmund says.

"What did he say, guys?" Lucy asks.

"'You girls stay at the castle, I'll go get the stage myself,'' I say mocking Ed's voice.

Edmund sticks his tongue out at me and I do it right back.

Peter catches up and circles around us.

"What's this" Peter asks referring to the light-up lampost.

I get off my horse to get a closer look at it.

It seems so familiar

"It seems like a dream," Susan says.

"Or a dream of a dream," Lucy says. Me and Lucy look at each other

"Spar oom," we yell referring to the first time we met. Then Lucy takes off.

Maybe she meant something different.

"Lucy wait," I yell rushing after her.

"Not again," Peter yells running after us.

I follow Lucy past the lampost into the massive bush.

As we get deeper and deeper I notice the branches were;t as spikey as before, they actually became quite soft.

"These' aren't branches," Edmund's voice cracks.

"Ouch stop pushing."

"I'm squished"

"Move over"

Then something opens up and we all fall to the floor. But the floor wasn't grass, it was a cool wooden floor.

I look at us and we don't look as old as we were before. I look at myself and it seems like I am back in my 13 year olds body. 

All of us looked younger. 

A door in front of us opens and a man with a white beard walks in.

"There you guys are looks like you got a friend. " The man says to me with a look saying he knows more than we think. "Now what were you doing in the wardrobe?" He quirks up one eyebrow.

We all look back at the wardrobe we came out of and back at the man.

"You wouldn't believe us if we told you," Peter says

The man throws a ball in the air and Peter catches it

"Try me."

And that's the end of The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. I hope you enjoyed and let me know if you want me to continue the series.

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