Chapter 18

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~Training with Edmund~

After we got settled Caspian showed us rooms where we could sleep.

I got to where I would sleep and was immediately knocked out.


I woke up the next morning and decided to go into the training area and warm myself up.

I put my hair in a nice ponytail so my curls would be out of my face. After warming up for a few minutes I heard a very annoying voice.

"What are you doing? Fighting air?" Edmund teases.

I roll my eyes at him

"You know you would lose." He says as one of his stupid smirks comes across his face.

"Wanna spar?" I ask him.

"mm I don't know," Edmudn says nervously.

"I'll go easy on you," I tease.

That sentence snaps him out of it and glares at me.

"Easy? On me?" He asks offended. "I am the best swordsman in Narnia."

"Second best, I was crowned the best," I correct him.

"Enough talking and let's spar," Edmund takes out his sword.

He walks close to me, never letting his eyes leave mine.

"Are you sure you don't want me to go easy on you?" I tease.

"Oh shut up," He rolls his eyes and swings at me.

I block his swing and turn to hit his side. He dodges it and tries to sweep my feet. I easily jump over it and swing at him. Our swords clash at once and are pushing against each other.

I try to focus but all I feel is his breath, I ignore the butterflies and swing my sword around to break us pushing against one another.

"You've gotten better Eddie," I joke.

"You've gotten worse Stars," Edmund teases using my new nickname.

"Hush it," I say and charge back at him.

We keep just barely missing each other.

We soon got an audience watching us to see which swordsmen would win.

"Too bad all these people are about to see their King lose," I mock sadness and pout

"Huh," Edmund says looking down at my lips.

I use the distraction to swipe his feet with my leg and he falls. I quickly point my sword at his throat signaling that I won.

"I'm still the best swordsman in Narnia a thousand years later," I smirk down at him.

Edmund rolls his eyes at me and I help him up. I got some applause from the Narnians.

My happiness was short-lived because a centaur came running to me and Ed.

"King Peter needs you both," the centaur informs us.

"Well, there goes my good morning," I mutter as Edmund laughs.


The reason why we were called in was because someone on the lookout spotted a Telmarine soldier looking at us and now we are speaking about what we should do for our next step.

"It's only a matter of time. Miraz's men and war machines are on their way. That means those same men aren't protecting his castle." Peter says.

"What do you propose we do, Sire?" Reepichep asks Peter.

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