Chapter 3

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After the Beavers left I gave myself some toast and went to bed dreaming about freedom.


I heard a bell ringing which woke me right up. I quickly changed into my day clothes and went to the door of the dam.

I opened it up to see Oreius.

"Morning Oreo," I greet him.

He rolls his eyes at me and a hint of a smile creeps on his face.

"It's the afternoon," he corrects me.

"Oh, are we doing some bow training today?" I ask him.

I love training with bow and arrows, it has to be my second favorite weapon.

"That's tomorrow, we'll do more sword training today." Oreius turns around.

"Come on then, let's go." Oreius motions. I was about to step out until he stopped me.

"Get your hood," He points to the dark red hood hanging up.

I forgot about that.

I quickly grab it and go out the door, closing it behind me.

I hop on Oreius' back and we ride to our training grounds


"Come on you can do better than that," Oreius taunts me.

I roll my eyes at him and push harder.

"There you go," he compliments.

I'm actually focusing this time and not letting my mind wander off.

Oreius goes in for a stab and I quickly move out of the wave and deflect it with my sword.

"Nice," he compliments.

Our swords hit back and forth. We hit each other at the same time and tried to push one another backward.

"Push!" he commands.

I push away from him and point the tip of my sword at his neck. Signaling that I won the fight.

Oreius has a surprised look on his face.

"Congratulations, you have officially won a fight against me," Oreius compliments me.

"Really?" I ask and put the sword down away from Oreius' neck.

"Ready to go again?" Oreius asks.

"Let me catch my breath first," I say with a laugh.

I set my sword down and took some deep breaths.


He looks in my direction.

"Have you ever wondered what Narnia would look like in the spring? Flowers, green grass, butterflies?" I ask him.

Oreius stops what he's doing and actually thinks about it then a smile comes across his face.

"Yes. I dream of seeing Narnia in the Spring." Oreius answers. "Aslan willing," he mumbles.

"That's the Lion, right? The true ruler of Narnia?" I say.

Oreius looks shocked that I know of Aslan.

"How much do you know about him?" He asks.

"Only that he is the true ruler of Narnia," I answer. "If he's the true ruler, why doesn't he just take out the White Witch?" I ask.

"He's waiting."

"For what?" I ask.

If I was the true ruler of somewhere I would make sure no one took my place.

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