Chapter 9

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~New Beginings~

~New Beginings~

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After Lucy healed everyone there was a vast coronation in the Pevensie and my name at Cair Paravel.

The castle was enormous and lavish. 

I didn't get much time to explore when I was whisked off by Capri and some other Dryad to help me get ready for the coronation.

Susan, me, and Lucy walked on one side of Aslan and Peter and Edmund on the other.

I was wearing a long red dress with golden flowers across the top. As all of us were walking down the aisle I couldn't help but admire the architecture of Cair Paravel. The high ceiling with cream columns running from top to bottom. Narnian banner everywhere signaling our past win from the White Witch.

So happy I'll never see her again

All of us were walking down the aisle happily The crowd was cheering for us and chanting our names. I made eye contact with my horse Luna who was one of the animals in the crowd along with the Cheetahs and Rhinos. She gives me a wink and I smile back at her.

I never really realized how much Narnia there is until I saw all of them in one place.

We get to the end of Alise and I spot five chairs sitting there.

Which ones do we sit in?

My question was quickly answered when one of the fauns. came forward and showed us where to stand. I was placed in front of the chair next to the middle, which was next to Peter.

"Bring forth the crowns!" Aslan demands.

Mr. and Mrs. Beaver carry five crowns on a pillow and hand them to Lucy's friend Mr. Tumnus.

Mr. Tumnus grabs one of the silver crowns on the end and walks over to Lucy.

"To the glistening easter sea, I give you Queen Lucy the Valiant," Aslan announces as Mr. Tumnes puts on her crown. Lucy bows down and accepts it.

"To the great western woods, King Edmund the Just," Aslan announces at Mr. Tumnus crowns Edmund. 

"To the shimmering Alnilam star, Queen Astrea the Determined." I bow down so that Mr. Tumnes can put the golden crown on me. 

I sent Mr. Tumnes a smile and he winked back at me.

"To the radiant southern sun, Queen Susan the Gentle." Susan bows down so the crown can be put on her.

"And to the clear northern skies, King Peter the Magnificent." Peter bows down so that he can be crowned and stands back up. Aslan takes a couple of steps and Mr. Tumnes and the Beavers follow.

"Once a King or Queen of Narnia, always a King to Queen of Narnia." He says and bows to us.

"Long live King Peter! Long live Queen Susan! Long live Queen Astrea! Long live King Edmund! And long live Queen Lucy!" Everyone shouts and cheers.

I can't help but think of how far I've come in the past few days. I was a no-one not too long ago, and now I'm someone.

Music begins to play and everyone dances happily.

Mr. and Mrs. Beaver come up to me.

"We are so proud of you dear!" Mrs. Beaver says and she wipes a tear from her eye. I crouch down and give her a hug along with Mr. Beaver.

"You've grown up so much," Mr. Beaver says and hugs his wife.

"Thank you for raising me these past few years. I know at times it must've been rough, but thank you for never giving up on me," I saw as a few tears slipped past my eyes.

"Come on your majesty, you can't cry," Mr. Beaver teases.

I quickly wipe away the tears as Oreius joins us.

I quickly wrap my arms around him to give him a high and I squeeze tightly.

"You're killing me Astrea," he jokes

"I would've done that sooner but as soon as I heard you were alright I was whisked off to get ready for this," I gesture to the room.

"It's quite fine, Your Majesty," he says and bows.

"Please don't do that," I laugh.

"As you wish, Your Highness," he says as he bows and walks off with a laugh.

I roll my eyes at him and feel a hand on my shoulder. I turn around and see that it's Peter.

"Your majesty, may I have this dance?" he asks.

"Why of course you may," I say as I bow. Peter drags me to the dance circle full of happy and lively Narnia.

Soon everyone got in the dance circle and we had to switch partners. I did a twirl and ended up having Lucy as my next partner.

"Having fun my queen?" I ask her playfully.

"Very much so," she says and smiles widely. "How about you?" 

"I am having a wonderful time," I answer truthfully. 

The dance has us switch partners once again and I end up with Edmund.

"Hey Ed," I greet him as we dance together. He puts one arm around my waist and grabs my hand like everyone else did with their partner.

What's the feeling in my stomach?

Oh no, I think I might be sick.

"Evening my Queen," Edmund jokes.

He lets go and spins me around.

"This party is lovely isn't it?" I say to him looking around at the decorations.

"I agree," he says.

"What do you suppose we do now?" He asks.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean with our ruling, I mean I've never ruled before so, I'm a little scared," Edmund admits shyly.

"I don't know, but what I do know is that we will do this together," I answer with a smile.

Edmund smiles back. Then the music speeds up a bit and we change partners once more. My new partner is Susan.

"I think the King fancies you," Susan says.

"Who? Edmund?" I question.

Susan nods.

"You can't be serious, he just started being nice to me. That's what it is, its niceness," I argue.

"Sure, whatever you want to think," Suan says drawing out the syllables.

I shake my head and her and just so happens I caught the eye of said King. I smile at him and he smiles brightly right back.

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