Chapter 26

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*One year later*

"Trea, if you don't hurry I will leave you," roommate Claire says to me.

"I'm hurrying, I'm just making sure I sent all my letters," I say to her grabbing my luggage.

"Are you rereading his letter again," Claire asked.

"Yes, I miss him and I can't wait to see him."

"I wish I had a boyfriend like him. He sounds like a total catch."

"He is."

It has been a year since I left England to go to school in Paris. I've kept in touch with the Pevensie since. I write to each of them once a week. I don't hear from Peter as much as I would like since he is working under some professor in the States.

I do make sure to write to Lucy and Edmund as much as I can.

I've started to write to Edmund in French since he claims his cousin Eustace likes to read his letters. I don't mind it.

Right now I am getting ready to go on a train to Cambridge to surprise him and Lucy. Also to spend some time with them because it might be the last time I see them for a while.

I got offered an internship at a writing office in the States, and I would work there as I went to school at Harvard. 

When I first heard of this offer I jumped for joy, schooling and a job in writing is a dream come true.

"Astrea, I won't tell you to hurry again," Clair snaps at me. I get out of my head and walk out of our dorm to go to the station.


I got off the train and stretched a little as I grabbed my luggage.

Luckily Lucy and Edmund's Uncle's house wasn't too far from the station.

I have already talked to him about me visiting and he said it was okay.


I finally get to the house and knock on the door, a sweet older lady answered it.

"Oh you must be Astrea," she says to me.

I nod my head.

"Edmund was right, you are quite beautiful. Come on in," she moved out of the doorway so that I could get in.

"How was the journey?" she asks

"Not too bad, I fell asleep so it made the time go by fast," I joke.

Mrs. Scrub lets out a laugh

"Thank you Mrs. Scrub and Mr. Scrub for this opportunity," I thank her and her husband.

"Oh please call me Alberta. I've always wanted to see the girl who has Edmund wrapped around her finger," she jokes.

"Where do you want me to set my bags ma'am?" I ask her.

"Just leave it by the counter for now, Edmund will take it up when he gets here," she says. "Which might be a few hours," she mumbles.

"Okay I have to run a quick errand, I will be back soon, Harold is in the chair if you need anything. Um make yourself at home," she says and quickly leaves the house.

I walk into the living room and meet Mr. Scrub. He wasn't very talkative but he was nice I guess. I heard the door open and I quickly hid behind the counter.

"Hello, Uncle Harold. I tried to find some carrots... but all they had were turnips again." I hear a familiar voice say.

Is that Lucy?

"Shall I start making soup?" I hear her ask Mr. Scrub but he gave no answer

"Aunt Alberta should be home soon," Lucy says again

"Uncle Harold?" Lucy calls him

"Father. Edmund's making faces at you." I hear a little boys voice say.

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