chapter 16

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Tears fell onto the bed as I sobbed, wishing I could kick him in his nuts again, I hated him for doing this. The nurse understood what I was trying to say and left the room. It felt like hours passed, but realistically it was probably only 15 minutes. My eyes felt heavy, my breathing back to normal, now slowing.

I laid my head back, embracing the warm arms of sleep holding me tight. I slept, for the first time in weeks, restfully.

Puppeteers POV-
"RODGERS!" My voice echoes through the large house, getting the attention or many of the other residents.

"Yeah P-Pupeteer?!" The teenage menace yelled from the kitchen. I stormed over through the living room, dining room and into the kitchen.

The dirty white walls still not fully clean from the time EJ tried to cook surrounded being dimly lit by the yellowish light above, and water in the sink glistening, listening in on our conversation.

"Are you SERIOUS?! Don't you 'yeah puppeteer' ME! You KNEW about my mission, you KNEW about my plan and you screwed... it... UP!" My eyes glowed a deep orange-red, my anger flaring up yet again. I shoved the boy, his body hitting the counter behind him.

"It isn't m-my fault! I was assigned to h-help you and yo-ou weren't working fast enough!" He shouted, his neck cracking, his dusty orange goggles holding his first glare.

"I DONT NEED YOUR HELP! I can do it on my own, and if I want to mess around with my victims before ending them I will!" My head pounded as I thought about killing [Y/n], but I had to pretend to not care, i couldn't let him find out.

I knocked a glass cup onto the floor, shattering it. Someone ran into the room with great force hearing the commotion. Two gloved hands grabbed my shoulders, as I saw a flash on blue. EJ.

"Come on puppeteer, leave Toby alone. You know he can't control it." A deep voice said from behind me.
I shook the hand off my shoulder and muttered "don't tell me what to do." As I walked away.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 17, 2023 ⏰

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