chapter 5

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As I looked around, I noted a small pain on my neck. Hopping off of the soft pillow, I strangely didn't shiver when my feet hit the cold ground. My feet DIDNT hit the ground, they hit something fuzzy.

I looked down to see a fresh sugar white rug in the shape of a star to match the rest of my room. My purple walls and white star decor, along with my black bed frame and shelves made for a homey and comfortable room. The only thing that stood out was the golden mirror on my wall.

Glancing over at my soft reflection I saw a light grey over my neck. At first I assumed it was the shadow from my head, but as I looked closer, hints of yellow and green started to peek through.

I approached the mirror, and looked at my neck, bringing my hand up to touch it. A pain radiated from the touch as I sucked in through my teeth and shot my hand away.

As confused as I was, I couldn't shake the dream from last night. That voice, so malevolent, so angry, it made me shiver just at the thought. And that face, it looked inhuman, although it was just a nightmare, I couldn't shake that smile. Not a happy smile, but the smile of a psycho. Knocking erupted from the door.

"Come in!" I tried to yell, but my voice was hoarse. I cleared my throat, and tried again. "Come in!" Loud enough to hear, but still raspy. My dad walked in only to see my neck a shade of purple, green, and yellows.

"[Y/n], what the heck happened to you?! Who's a-" he stopped just before cussing. "Who's butt do I need to beat?" He asked, firmly holding my shoulders. I didnt know how to tell him what happened last night.

"No one poppa, I think I did it in my sleep. I'm just as confused as you." He eyed me suspiciously but said nothing for multiple seconds.

"Maybe we should keep you home today? We'll go to the doctors office and check that out, and if everything is ok, we'll go to your psychologist and see if everythings right. [Y/M/N]!! KEEPING [Y/N] HOME TODAY! DOCTORS THEN PSYCHOLOGIST! I'LL TAKE OFF TODAY!" My dad yelled from my room so mom could hear.

I heard footsteps coming down the hall as my mother emerged from behind the corner. She gasped and crouched down, taking my face in her soft hands. She said nothing, just looked at my dad for an explanation and pulled him into the hallway and shut the door.

"[Y/d/n], what happened to her?! How did she get those bruises? Should I be worried?!" My mom said in a hushed voice.

"No, [y/m/n], I don't think it's anything to worry about, we'll get her checked out and put cameras up. If it's anything like last time, we'll get through it." My dad said. This was going to be a long day.

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