chapter 4

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No one was supposed to be awake, not even I was supposed to be awake. That fact just made my anxiety way worse. I slowly got up from my bed, no longer complaining about the cold floor and focusing more on not making a single noise.

My mind raced, my hands shook, my heart was in my throat. My shaky hands grasped the lamp on my bedside and raised it in self defense. The lamp was yanked almost out of my hands. As I looked back I realized that it was still plugged in. I yanked it so it would unplug itself from the wall and returned my focus to the door.

I slowly turned the door knob, still holding the lamp above my head. I bursted the door open and almost screamed at what I saw, but then realized that it was just a squirrel. It must have snuck through my window and into the hall as I was going to the bathroom. A sigh of relief left my lips as my body relaxed. Taking the squirrel in a small cardboard box from the corner of my slightly luminated room, I walked it over to the window, quickly opened it and let it out, quickly closing it again.

I bounced back into bed, letting the adrenaline die down. After that, it was pretty easy to get to sleep. Me eyes blurred, and my body relaxed as I entered a state of deep sleep like I had never had before. I awoke with a start, looking around for the cause. I slowly got out of bed and opened the door to the dark hallway. Something felt off. I looked around and saw the paintings, looking closely I saw the painting and photos of us had no faces, just adding to my confusion.

As I walked down the hall I noticed it shifting in colors. After a long while if walking, I ended up in a dark, snowy Forest. There were no sounds of nature, nor people. Only me and my thoughts. A creeping feeling of anxiety crept up my legs and rested itself in my stomach.

I shivered, feeling the snow setting into my skin and burning my bare feet. Footsteps approached me from behind, and I whipped around. Scratch that, the footsteps weren't from behind me, they were coming from ... everywhere...? I looked around in confusion and panic.

"Where are you little doll, come out and play. Please?" A dark voice erupted from the air. My heart stopped and my knees went to jelly. I looked around in panic. "There you are." A tall man dressed I'm black appeared from behind a tree, looking at me with glowing golden eyes. Suddenly he was in front of me and I could take in every detail. His ashen grey skin, his jet black hair and clothing, his glowing golden eyes.

It was all so... Strange. He placed his hands around my neck, and squeezed. I was being strangled. I struggled, I kicked, I squirmed, I did everything I could to get out of his cold grasp. Then... I woke up. My breathing quick, sweat dripped down my head. What WAS that? A nightmare. It was just a nightmare.

afraid?- Puppeteer X Female Reader Where stories live. Discover now