chapter 10

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After hours of searching, reading and almost falling asleep on my desk I found quite a few descriptions of the same person in my dreams. Words spoken of an ashen skin man with eyes that glow brighter than the sun. Golden strings protruding from the tips of his fingers.

Reports of bruises and cuts on the dreamer, and sometimes even limbs dislocated or popped out of socket. I walked over to my computer which was sitting at the foot of my bed and looked up every name, and none of them seemed to have anything in common except one thing. Every one of them went missing. Just out of nowhere, poof, gone. No where to be seen, still not found.

One of them was an extremely famous actor who was working on a movie at the current time, but it never got finished because she went missing. She reported seeing the same person, who is frequently called 'puppeteer' in the reports, as well as 'the ash man'. Puppeteer. That's what his name was! What concerned me is the missing persons part. Every single one who reported those dreams went missing. Should I stay quiet, or will I just go missing either way?

Silence. Silence was the best opinion. Because if I reported it, I know I'll go missing, but Im not sure what would happen if I stay silent. What if he got bored and left? Suddenly, a wave of exhaustion washed over me, I tried to keep my eyes open. Fear flooded me as I remembered the nightmares. What if I DID go missing?

My vision faded as my mind drifted into a deep sleep. No more fear, no more confusion, just peace. Until it wasn't.

Carnival music played quietly in the distance, fog laid in a large thick blanket across the ground, and cold wind grabbed my hair and scratched my skin, nipping at my nose and fingers. Looking around, I saw dull colors, rainwashed and sun washed, worn from weather. The grass scratched my ankles and feet.

I realized I had no shoes and was just in a bra and underwear. Oh wow, this is weird, now that I know he's an actual person. I covered up my stomach and chest the best I could, and continued to walk until a tent came into sight. Arguing could be heard from the inside.

Pov- puppeteer

"Listen laughing jack, I don't know what you think you're doing, trying to take all my tasks, but you aren't going to do it anymore. Slenderman is getting extremely frustrated because I haven't met my quota all because of you!" Anger bubbled inside of me, my eyes changing from golden to an orange-red. A tingling sensation overtook my hands as my strings shot out towards the black and white menace.

"Calm down, psycho! I'll quit, I'll quit! Just put those things away before I cut 'em!" He yelled, putting his hands up on mock defeat. I felt eyes on me, eyes that didn't belong to L.J, but to a human. I whipped around only to meet [e/c] eyes and [h/c] hair. How did she get here?!

My strings shot out and grasped her wrists, flinging her into the air and towards me. Before she even knew what happened, she was face to face with my ashen skin. I know I don't look normal, I know that my face was enough to scare someone out of their skin, but right now I didn't care.

"Ah, a little spy I see? What're you doing, snooping around in a dangerous place like this?" I tried to hide my worry with malice, and sarcasm, but deep down I was genuinely nervous that L.J would kill her.

To be honest, I didn't know why I didn't kill her the first night, I just didn't feel like it. Now that I've watched her for a few days I just... I'm not sure. Longing, maybe? Longing to be human again? Longing for real human contact?  I wasn't sure. Every time I saw her, a smile, a real smile, tugged at my lips.

Fear glimmered in her eyes. Fear was an amazing emotion, it could come in many forms, but hers seemed to come in the form of... Kicking. She kicked me straight in the balls. I dropped her onto the ground, and the impact must have given her such a start that it woke her up. She disappeared in a cloud of vapor.

"Dude, she's a keeper. She just kicked you straight in the balls! YOU! She knows what you do, yet she kicked you IN THE BALLS!" L.J was laughing on the ground, holding his stomach. Man, was he annoying.

afraid?- Puppeteer X Female Reader Where stories live. Discover now