Amity's eyes widened, she remember Luz... she needs to return those books to the library.

"You're the girl that was at the library!" Amity said to her

"Yeah, I know and sorry if you didn't now it was me. I sort of used this form as a cover until I found my blood family." Luz said as she changed back to her triclops self. "I was raised in the human realm and used it as my main appearance, but I think I told you that."

"Wow, talk about a coincidence." Amity said, "How have you been?"

"Been good. Still adjusting but I'm getting use to the demon realm." Luz said with a shrug. "I still keep in contact with my human mom, who is now my Godmother, as well as bond with my blood moms. I'm also learning the perks of having money."

"It's not all it's cracked up to be."

"Maybe, but in the human realm, there was a lot of things that we could never afford, it's nice not having that to worry about money problems." Luz said.

"I stand by my statement. Money isn't all it's cracked up to be, believe me." Amity said.

"I have yet to get to that point so I'm enjoying this." Luz said.

"Whatever... hey... want me to walk with you?" Amity asked.

Really?" Luz asked in surprise. "You want to walk with me?"

"I mean, you're my best friends sister, it would be nice to learn about you."

"Okay, sure." Luz said with a shrug. "You can never have too many friends I guess. So, what do you like?"

"Reading." Amity said as they began walking together. "It's one of the reasons why I'm work at the library."

"That's nice."

"Thank you. What's your favorite book?" Amity asked Luz.

"Azura the Good Witch, the entire series." Luz said without shame.

"Really? Mine too!" Amity said in surprise.

Luz made a scream so high pitched that only dogs could hear it.

"You like Azura too?! I've never found anyone in my human town that likes Azura as much as me!" Luz screamed in happiness.

"I finally have someone to talk to about this!" Amity said, getting a wide smile, "Boscha always thinks it's stupid so she never wants to read it."

"Well I'll go beat some sense into her." Luz said.

"Ahahahahahaha." Amity said, finding this very funny.

"I'm serious. I gave her a strong elbow to the kidney before I met you." Luz said, elbowing the air.

"How about you wait until you get back home." Amity said.

"Well, we are going to meet up with my teacher first." Luz said.

"Teacher? You mean like someone outside of the school?" Amity asked.

"Yeah. She's kind of the whole reason I was able to come back here in the first place." Luz said as they kept walking.

"Is she powerful?" Amity asked.

"Oh, you have no idea."

Amity became curious of this teacher as she kept walking with Luz, heading away from town and into the forest around Bonesborough.

'Where are we heading?' Amity thought, 'Wait, didn't she have a connection with the Owl Lady? No, no that can't be her teacher, the Triplets would spend top dollar on a real teacher, we're just heading this way because it's away from everyone, everyone knows the Triplet family has strong magic.'

Amity wouldn't know how wrong she was until the owl house came into view and the house demon extended towards them!

"Luz! You're back!" Hooty said with a smile.

"Hey, Hooty!" Luz said, hugging the bird worm.

"What... the fuck... is that?" Amity asked.

"This is Hooty! The sweetest house demon in the world!" Luz said, tickling Hooty's chin, "Come on, I'll show you around!"

Luz pulled Amity towards the owl house, opening the door to allow Amity to see the inside. Messy but homey.

"It's uh... interesting."

"You have seen the best parts. Eda, King! I'm here!" Luz shouted out.

"In the kitchen." Eda said.

"I'm here too!" King shouted.

Luz smiled as she walked to the kitchen as Amity followed her.

"I also brought a guest!" Luz said.

"Who?" Eda asked, "Those girls your twin is fancy with?"

"No, not Skara and Willow. Someone else." Luz said as she and Amity arrived at the kitchen. "Her name is Amity."

"Wait... as in Amity BLIGHT?" Eda asked, poking her head out.

"Yes, you know her?" Luz asked.

"Yes, through two reasons. One, she's the daughter of my old classmate, and two, she's the pupil of my sister/enemy." Eda said, "What's she doing here?"

"Well, I ran into her when school and she wanted to get to know me. So she walked with me here." Luz explains

"Great." Eda said with an eye roll, "A future Emperor's Coven stooge in my house, what could go wrong?"

"Hey, Amity is not a stooge!" Luz said, defending her new friend.

'And it isn't exactly MY dream to join the Emperor's coven.' Amity thought.

Still, Eda didn't know that.

"Luz, I'm just saying if she rats me out to my sister, she is gonna be in the hospital with her MOUTH wired shut!" Eda said, pointing a stirring spoon at Amity.

"Ms. Owl Lady, if there is one thing you should know about me and people I consider my friends, I am NOT a snitch." Amity said firmly.

"You better not be." Eda warned.

"Or else you will feel the wrath of the king of demons!" King shouted, jumping into the den.

Amity's eyes widened when she saw King.

"I've never seen anything so cute in my life." Amity said quietly.

"RIGHT?!" Luz asked with a smile. "He's only a little bit cuter than Hooty too!"

"You think Hooty is cute? Kid, have you been smoking?!" Eda asked.

"Hey, I'll have you know that I don't smoke!"

"Then you must just be crazy to think Hooty is cute." Eda said.

"Hey! I am cute!" Hooty said. "You just have no taste, Eda."

"Shut up and go back to watching for cops." Eda said.

Eda went back to the kitchen.

"Ooo, what are you making?" Luz asked, "Some kind of potion? Dinner?"

"Meth." Eda said.

The Triplet TwinsWhere stories live. Discover now