Ch. 26: First Day of School

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After they were finished eating, Elizabeth and Mavis got their staffs ready to fly Boscha and Luz/Sasha to school.

"Oh, my baby's first day at school." Mavis said, hugging Luz as they flew.

"Mama! Focus on flying!" Luz said as she giggled.

"Don't worry, I can multitask!" Mavis said.

"I'm the one with three eyes, you just have two." Elizabeth said.

"And despite being nearly blind without my glasses, I still can see better than you." Mavis said.

"Do I need to remind you of who was the broomstick race champion back in school?" Elizabeth asked with a smirk.

"I'll say it again, broomsticks are nothing like staffs!" Mavis said, breaking the hug with Luz.

'Oh no, not this argument again.' Boscha thought with a groan.

Luz noticed that her sister was a bit irritated.

"Uh, something wrong over there?" Luz asked.

"Don't get involved!" Boscha said quickly to her sister.

"Okay." Luz said, a bit weirded out.

'I can't help but feel left out but maybe that's a good thing.' Luz thought as she watched Mavis and Elizabeth argue about broomstick racing.

Thankfully, they made it to the school. The two mothers landed their staff before quickly hugging their daughters one last time. Very tightly!

"Have a wonderful day, girls!" Elizabeth said, kissing their foreheads/third eyes.

"Bye mom, bye mama!" The twins said.

"Ready for your first day?" Boscha asked.

"Ready as I'll ever be." Luz said with a nod but was still nervous.

Boscha could tell by her sister's third eye twitching slightly.

"Ah, relax, you'll be fine. Willow already got ahead and asked a friend of hers in the Illusion class to help you out." Boscha said.

"Oh great, that takes some pressure off." Luz said with a breath of relief.

"Yeah, I heard he's a prodigy just like you. Moved up two whole grades too." Boa Boscha said, walking to the doors.

'Okay, the pressure is back!' Luz thought!

Luz walked in next to Boscha, feeling people look at her.

"Is that 2 Boschas"

"Is that her long lost twin? I thought she was dead!"

"I saw them last weekend but I thought it was just an illusion."

'People are already talking, great.' Luz thought, already becoming the center of attention.

"Oh, this is great!" Boscha said, "Everyone is noticing you, you'll find someone to love soon!"

"Can you not try and set me up for five minutes?" Luz asked.

"Nope!" Boscha said with a smile. "My sister only deserves the best, including the best girlfriend or boyfriend or both the school has to offer. Of course not as good as mine but still."

"Oh, so I'm second best." Luz said, rolling her eyes.

"No! I would never say that to you." Boscha said in a faux shocked voice. "You're the best illusionist I know, so that's something."

"Yeah, yeah." Luz said, "Stop trying to hook me up."

"Not until you find one on your own." Boscha said.

"I see you're already arguing like siblings, so that's good." Skara said as she and Willow walked up to them with a third person.

"Luz, Sasha, whatever you call yourself, this is my friend, Agustus." Willow said, introducing the younger boy.

"Hi." Augustus said, dark skin with fluffy hair, brown eyes, and somewhat short compared to Willow and Skara to show he was two years younger.

"Augustus, huh? You know I knew a guy by the same name in the human realm. We called him "Gus" for short." Luz said to him.

"Human realm? You've been to the human realm?!" Gus asked, suddenly excited. "And a short name?! Yes! Call me that! I am Gus now!"

"Oh, I haven't been to the human realm... I LIVED there." Luz said.

Gus dropped his jaw as he looked at Luz in awe, making Willow giggle at her reaction as she shook her head.

"Fun fact, Luz. Gus here in the president of the Human Appreciation Society here at school. He's a self made expert but seeing someone know possibly more than him has made him really excited." Willow said, closing Gus's mouth.

"Well, since we'll be in the same class, I think I'll tell you a lot about humans."

"YES! Yes, I love that! Tell me all you know!" Gus said, clamping onto Luz.

"Whoa! Watch your hands." Luz said jokingly, smiling as she held her arms up. "At least ask a girl out before getting frisky."

"Hey, don't go fondling my little sister." Boscha threatened.

Gus quickly backed away with his hands up, revealing he was not getting frisky.

"Sorry!" He said quickly.

"Boscha, be nice." Luz said.

"Luz, I'm making sure he's not some creep. We have some guys here that are like that." Boscha said, glaring at Gus.

"Boscha, Gus couldn't harm a fairy. How could he be a perv?" Skara asked her.

"It's always the quiet ones you have to watch out for, Skar." Boscha said to her.

"Don't listen to Boscha." Willow said, "I've known Gus for a while, he's a good kid."

"I am not a kid, I am a young man." Gus said firmly but it just made him look cute.

"Okay, Gus. I'll take your word for it, so you mind leading me to our classroom?" Luz asked her new classmate.


The two illusionists took their leave as Boscha watched them go, keeping an eye more on Gus than Sasha/Luz.

'He BETTER keep his hands to himself or he's gonna lose them.' Boscha thought, being protective of her sister.

Skara pet Boscha's head.

"Down girl."

"Stop that." Boscha said quickly.

"No. Not until you calm down." Skara said as Willow began petting her as well.

"It is fun." Willow said.

Boscha muttered something as she slowly calmed down, actually enjoying their pets on her head. The two kissed her cheeks.

"Come on, let's walk you to class." Willow said to Boscha.

"Your hair is so soft." Skara said.

"Well.....I do shampoo and condition everyday." Boscha muttered, blushing.

"It shows. You have to tell what product you use." Willow said, taking her hand.

"It's actually a homemade potion." Boscha said.

"Well, I better get the first bottle when you decide to sell it." Willow said.

"Me too. I'll take 3." Skara said, holding Boscha's other hand.

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