Ch. 8: New Friends

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Luz looked at the girl while rubbing her head.

"Amity Blight, huh? Nice to meet you." Luz said, holding her hand out to Amity.

"I'm... well, you can call me Luz." Luz said.

Amity shook Luz's hand, a little curious about the hesitation Luz has.

'I wonder why she's so nervous?' Amity thought.

"Anyway, I need help looking for some books on demon species." Luz said to Amity, "I'm... kind of new in town and don't really know where to look in here."

"Oh, don't worry, I can help." Amity said.

Amity gestured for Luz to follow her as she knew the exact place where the demonic species section was.

"If you're looking for a demon, this is the section. Every known demon is in these books." Amity said.

"Wow, that's a lot of books." Luz said, "Way more than at the library in my old home."

"Well, if that's-"

"Hey, Mittens, who's your new friend?"

Behind Amity, were two people.

"She's not my friend, I'm just helping." Amity said before turning back to Luz, "I mean... unless you want to be friends. I only just met you and don't know much about you, so I wouldn't say we're friends yet."

"I am actually open to being friends with you, so yes. I would stay this could be the start to a great friendship." Luz said with a smile, "But I have a bit of work to do, so thanks."

Luz grabbed a random demon book.

"Wait, that might not be the right book for you. You never gave me a specific type of demon you wanted to look for." Amity said, going back into "work" mode.

"That's the thing, I don't know what demon he is either, but my little demon friend is trying to find his family and this is the first step." Luz said, "It's... important to both of us."

"Both of you?" Amity asked, "Why?"

Luz closed her eyes.

"I'm adopted." Luz said, "And... I'm in this town to look for my real family. I don't know what happened to me, all I know is my adopted parents found me, injured on the side of the road."

Amity gasped as her twin siblings looked at Luz in shock. This girl was a survivor and even after all this time, she's still determined to find her family.

"The little demon friend and I are one in the same, lost, looking for our real families." Luz said, "Hell, Luz isn't even my real name, it's what my adopted parents gave me. The only thing I know is that I'm half demon and have what my teacher calls the 'Potion Nose', there was something else I found, but... I lost it."

"M-Maybe I can help you find it. Do you know at least something about what you lost?" Amity asked Luz.

"It was this girl... she... looked like me." Luz said, "Well, at least, what I look like without the concealment stone."

Luz pointed to the necklace.

"Huh, guess we all use those." Emira said, "Amity's the only one without her's on."

"What? You guys wear them too?" Luz asked.

"Yeah. Our family is sort of....high class. So we have to wear them to keep up appearances, at least that's what mom says." Edric said with a shrug. "Personally, I think it's stupid."

"Ditto." Emira said with a nod. "I like how I really look."

"I mean... why does me having a mole look better than my acne?" Emira asked, "I'm a teenager, it comes with aging!"

"Yeah, and who cares if I've got leg hair and need glasses? Men don't shave their legs and glasses are just fine." Edric said, crossing his arm with a nod.

"And Amity here uses her concealment stone to hide the fact that she hasn't died her hair green." Emira said, "What about you? What do you look like?"

Amity elbowed Emira.

"Sorry about her, you don't need to tell if you're not ready." Amity said.

"Thanks." Luz said, "I... don't think I'm ready. I have never used my real appearance in public and don't think I'm ready to show it. Especially to strangers. No offense."

"None taken, but hopefully you and Mittens can get to know each other more and we won't be strangers later." Edric said, nudging his sister a bit.

"Ed." Amity replied with a groan.

"Well, have fun." Emira said, "Oh yeah, before we forget, here's your lunch Mittens."

Holding out her lunch bag, Luz giggled a bit as she saw it looked like a bunny with bright pink fur. Amity blushed as she quickly took the bag and hid it behind her back!

'Why does mom always put food in this bag?!' Amity thought,

"It's cute. Well, I'll see you guys later." Luz said, grabbing another book on demons before walking to a table.

Luz opened the book and began to look through it.

'Okay, let's check out the book index first.' Luz thought, looking through the first few pages before finding the index page.

The entire time she was looking through it, she felt Amity looking over her shoulder.

"Can I... help you?" Luz asked.

"Oh, sorry, it's just... I was very curious about you."

"Curious? Like in a good way or a bad way?" Luz asked as Amity looked at her.

"A good way, don't worry about it." Amity said.

"You... mentioned you were adopted. What are your adopted parents like?"

"My dad's dead." Luz said.

Amity winced at this as she looked away.

"Oh, sorry about that." Amity said to her.

"No, it's fine. I've.....come to terms with it. But my adopted mother, she's still alive." Luz said to Amity.

"She... well..."

Luz didn't know how to say this.

"What? What's the matter?" Amity asked, "You can tell me anything."

"Amity... I ended up in the human realm." Luz admitted, "My adopted parents are human, I grew up there, I was a witch lost in a foreign world, with only my potion nose and an illusion book."

"Just that?" Amity asked.

"Yep." Luz said, "I was born here, it feels like I'm finally home... but it also is so foreign to me. I don't know what Covens are, I don't understand why magic is separated. I don't know anything about this place."

"If that's the you think I could help?" Amity asked, moving to sit next to Luz with a smile. "I know we literally just meet but I still want to be your friends and friends help each other when they need it."

"Maybe." Luz said, "Couldn't hurt."

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