Ch.3: Prison Break

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Elsewhere, Boscha climbed up the steps to the school. Anyone that saw her immediately got out of the way, not wanting to push her over the edge today. Everyone knew, that if you left Boscha alone today, she'll leave you alone. Her girlfriends were the ONLY exception. Speaking of, they were on each side of her when she was putting stuff in her locker.

"Boscha, do you need anything today?" Willow asked.

"Yeah, need us to carry your books?" Skara asked.

"No... I just want to be alone." Boscha said.

"Are you sure?" Skara asked.

"Yeah, I'm sure. Just please, don't worry okay?" Boscha said to them.

"Okay but call us if you need anything." Willow said, kissing her cheek before leaving.

The two walked away and gave each other a concerned look.

"I really wish I could make her feel better." Willow said.

"Same, but nothing short of finding her sister, who is, let's face it, most likely dead, there's nothing we can do."

"I know but still, if by some miracle she's alive, we should find her for Boscha's sake." Willow said.

"Yeah, but where do we even look?" Skara asked, "I mean, it's been years, you would think she would've shown up by now."

If only Skara had known how right she was, her sister was a lot closer than they thought but they didn't know where to look. Not even if it was a few miles away from the school. Said sister... was currently was leading an accidental prison break.

"Haha! Kid you're a riot!" Eda said, flying on the staff as Camila held her head.

"This is the single weirdest thing I've ever done!" Camila said.

"Woooooooo!" Luz cheered, seeing multiple prison cells coming up.

They were prisoners, not here for crimes but her because they were weird. But that itself, was a crime to Luz and it had to be corrected!

"Eda lend me a hand!"

Eda's body somehow heard her request, putting a hand over Luz's right hand and helping her horned the three cells to release the three innocent witches/demons.

'What have I just gotten myself into?' Camila thought.

The group busted through main door as the warden of the prison was right behind them!

"You won't get away!" He shouted, sending a tendril attack at them.

"Sorry but hands off!" Luz shouted, drawing a large spell circle to create a barrier around them!

"Not bad for someone that grew up in the Human Realm." Eda said.

"Thanks, just thought of whatever felt natural and made it into a spell." Luz said, Camila put Eda's head back on her body.

"Can we please just defeat this warden creep and leave?! Need I remind you he actually hit on me after Eda rejected him?" Camila asked.

'No amount of therapy will ever make that go away.' Camila thought.

"Don't worry, hot stuff, we're almost out." Eda said.

"Don't you start too!" Camila said.

"What? It's a compliment. You are a pretty young thang." Eda said with a wink, making Camila blush and look away.

'I have mixed feelings about this.' Luz thought before turning back to Wrath and firing a large ice spell.

Warden Wrath broke the ice and knocked the staff out from under them. The group stumped to the floor as Camila instinctively grabbed Luz to protect her as they rolled across the ground.

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