Chp. 1

51 3 3

A young man who was wearing a black hoodie , standing infront of a cafe and staring at someone . He let out the smoke puff , as he put his electric cigarette in his pocket .

Café -

"Amber !"

"Uh..yes Mrs.Linda.." she said tiredly while putting her work aside .

Linda - You can go's too late now..should I tell someone to drop you home ?
Amber - No..I can go by myself..thanks...
Linda - *Gently caresses her* Take care okay..
Amber - Yes..Mrs.Linda.. *Smile*

She was really tired , all she wanted to do now was go home take a bath , eat her dinner and go to sleep...but she felt someone following her..

Amber - (I'm so tired..) *looks back* ( one ? This is scary...) *immediately calls someone*

"Hello ?"

Amber - Charlotte ?..uh..I'm walking home..
Charlotte - what should I do with that...? you want to come to my house ?
Amber - No I just..feel someone's following me..but I don't see anyone..
Charlotte - You gotta stop watching okay ?
Amber - Yea just a little tired..

11:30 pm -

Home -

Amber - *removing her shoes*

"Oh you're here ! I was waiting for you !"

Amber - Oh...Gabriella..what happened ?
Gabriella - Nothing.. I'll go to my room.. dinner's ready you can eat..
Amber - Thank you so much !

Amber went to her room and removed her jacket .

Amber - *Looks around* (Why do I feel someone is looking at me ?!) *checks her windows*

The man with the hoddie hid and thought to himself "I just got saved.."

"Be careful..did she see you..?....David ?" another man said through the microphone he was wearing .

David - write it down.. brunette..eye colour dark brown..5'3..(damn she's short)..are you listening James ?
James - How did you find that ?
David - I just did...
James - Any visible marks..?

"We set this girl up with David you know ?"

"I was thinking the same , Duke my bro !"

"We're hiring better not spout shit about her ." A man with glasses said .

David - The four of you better not suggest me stupid things..

Duke - Seems like you're interested in the girl..

James - Enough....shut up now..Ren.. *he signalled the glasses guy*

"Me ?"

Ren - Yes the both of you..Duke and Henry..

David - I'll wait in her balcony for a while..
James - Why ?
David - Ren..she is going to take a bath..I'm not doing that..
Ren - You have to .
David - That's invading someone's privacy..
Duke - We have the rights to do it..go !

Peers Of Grey (Undergoing Editing)Where stories live. Discover now