Chapter 11: The End

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Seeing the Jabberwocky defeated, Hatter backed away from Stayne, and dropped his sword, (Y/n) doing the same.

Alice started descending the steps, and the Red Queen pointed her staff at her.

"Kill her!" She screeched.

"We follow you no more, Bloody Big Head." One knight said.

The Red Queen gasped. "How dare you! Off with his head!"

Nobody listened to her. Instead, they all dropped their weapons to the ground, showing that the battle was over.

The Red Queen looked up as her crown was suddenly lifted off her head and Cheshire appeared as he placed it onto the White Queen's.

"Iracebeth of Crims, your crimes against Underland are worthy of death. However, that is against my vows, therefore, you are banished to the Outlands. No one is to show you any kindness, or ever speak a word to you. You will not have a friend in the world." The White Queen declared.

Stayne suddenly stepped forward. "Majesty, I hope you beat me no ill will."

(Y/n) rolled her eyes.

"Only this one, Ilosovic Stayne, you are to join Iracebeth in banishment from this day until the end of Underland." The White Queen added.

Red Knights stepped forward and chained their wrists together.

Iracebeth looked up at him and smiled. "At least we have each other." She told him.

Stayne suddenly pulled out a knife, and raised to towards the Iracebeth, but Hatter quickly threw a small knife at Stayne, stabbing him in the hand, making him drop the knife.

The Red Knights grabbed his arms as he began screaming like a madman. "Majesty, please! Kill me! Please!"

"But I do not owe you a kindness." The White Queen replied.

"Take off my head!" Stayne begged.

Iracebeth stared at him in shock. "He tried to kill me."

"Majesty! Please! Please!"

"He tried to kill me."

"I offer you my head!"

"He tried to kill me!"

The Red Knights dragged them both away, as they screamed their heads off.

Hatter released (Y/n)'s hand and smiled widely.

"Oh, Frabjous Day! Callou! Callay!"

The Hatter suddenly began dancing wildly, each of his body parts seeming to have a mind of their own, all of them twisting and turning in impossible ways.

(Y/n) laughed lightly at his behavior. "What is that?"

Cheshire appeared beside her. "Futterwacken."

(Y/n) gasped happily as she watched him spin and move as if he had no bones.

His head spun around in circles several times, before he slid on his knees over to (Y/n). He stood up and completed his dance by taking her in his arms, dipping her down and placing a passionate kiss on her lips.

(Y/n) was very take off guard by this gesture, but happily returned it, slipping her arms around his neck.

Hatter brought them both back up, and they broke their kiss when they heard the sounds of clapping.

The White Queen smiled and took out a small vial. She knelt by the Jabberwocky's head and filled the vial with purple blood that dropped from its fang.

She stood up and presented it to Alice. "The blood of the Jabberwocky. You have our everlasting gratitude."

Alice took the vial from her. "Will this take me home?" She asked.

The White Queen nodded. "If that is what you choose."

Alice looked at all her friends, and examined the vial of purple liquid.

"You could stay." Hatter suggested from behind her.

She turned to face him. "What an idea. A crazy, mad, wonderful idea...But I can't. There are questions I have to answer, things I have to do."

Alice lifted the liquid to her lips and drank it.

(Y/n) smiled and came forward to embrace her. "Goodbye Alice. I knew you were the right one the whole time." She whispered.

Alice laughed and they broke away, (Y/n) stepping back to hold the Hatter's hand, who still looked sad.

"You won't remember me." He frowned.

"Of course I will. How could I forget? Hatter...why is a raven like a writing desk?" Alice asked.

He smiled at her. "I haven't the slightest idea. Fairfarren, Alice."

They all watched as Alice slowly started to fade away until she was completely gone.

(Y/n) looked up at Hatter with a coy smile. "So, about that wonderful, happy thing you wanted to tell me?"

Hatter blushed lightly and turned to look at her. "Ah, yes. That. Well appears that I have developed very strong...stirrings for you, (Y/n). I dare say I...I love you."

The girl grinned widely and threw her arms around his neck, kissing him again. She pulled away and giggled at Hatter's stunned face.

"I love you too, Tarrent HighTopp." She declared.

Hatter grinned madly, and was so happy by her returning feelings for him that he began to Futterwacken again.

Once he was done, he ran back over to (Y/n) and lifted her up by the waist spinning her around.

The two leaned closer and connected their lips together again. Both madly in love with each other.

But all the best people are mad, after all.


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