Chapter 7: Escaping

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The Red Queen sat in a chair in front of a mirror surrounded by her followers with the large body parts, while (Y/n) handed the Hatter several hats that he placed on the Queen's head for her to look at.

He placed one on her head that looked like a swan.

"No." The Queen rejected.

(Y/n) handed him another hat that he placed on her head.

"You look stunning in that hat." One of her followers complimented.


The shatter placed a big floppy hat on her.

"Your Majesty has never looked better." One woman with a large nose said.

"Hmm. Another."

The Hatter placed another hat on her, and noticed that the nose of the woman who had complimented the Queen had fallen off, revealing a very normal sized nose.

"Oh!" Hatter exclaimed. "I don't wish to alarm you, but it smells as though you may have dropped something." He whispered.

(Y/n) looked over and saw the woman panic and pick up her fake nose, putting it back on her face. Her eyes widened and she placed a hand over her mouth to keep from laughing.

Hatter looked at a man with a large gut and noticed a pillow shoved in there, revealing that his large body part was fake too. And this made him start laughing hysterically.

"Oh don't mind him, he's mad. Come along."

Another woman with large ears bent down and whispered something to the Queen. Her eyes suddenly widened and her face was beet red in anger.



The morning had come and Alice awoke, still in the shack and still alive to her surprise. She lifted her head and saw the Bandersnatch staring at her.

She glanced down and saw a key hanging from its collar. Alice slowly extended her arm and plucked the key from the hook, while the Bandersnatch just kept looking at her.

He did move forward a bit and used his tongue to lick the wound he had given her, returning her skin to its natural color.

Alice examined her arm before looking back up at him. "I suppose this makes us even now."

She then turned back to the chest and used the key to unlock it. She lifted the lid to reveal a beautiful white and silver sword with white ovals along the blade.

Alice picked it up and examined it, before turning and leaving the shed, sending one last grateful look at the Bandersnatch.


The Red Queen sat on her throne, while Stayne laid on the stairs of the raised platform, seemingly begging.

"Um forced herself on me." He lied. "I told her my heart only belongs to you, but she's obsessed with me."

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