Chapter 5: Um

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Bayard fulfilled Alice's request and took her to the Red Queen's castle. When they got there, Bayard stopped at a moat that encircled the area. The most disturbing thing about it, is that it had several stone faces floating along the surfaces, making it look like a bunch of beheaded people.

Alice climbed off of Bayard's back, and looked at the moat.

"There's only one way across." Bayard hinted.

Alice looked to him, then back at the stones, a look of determination coming into her face. "Lost my muchness, have I?" She said to herself.

Alice began leaping across the stone faces, carefully trying not to fall in. She successfully made it to the other side, and looked up at the large stone wall in front of her.

She then turned back to Bayard. "Bayard! The hat!" She requested.

Bayard scooped the hat up in his mouth, and spun around before tossing it over. Unfortunately, he threw it a little too far, and it ended up going over the wall and into the garden.

Fortunately for Alice, there was a hole in one of the stone bricks of the wall that she was barely able to squeeze through. She slipped inside and hid behind a small branch and peered through the bushes at the Red Queen and her followers.

The Queen was handed a flamingo by the Dodo, and a hedgehog was tied up at her feet. She held the flamingo by the feet and used its head as a club to hit the hedgehog across the garden, sending it whooping past Alice and into the bushes.

The people around her clapped and cheered at her shot, as she smiled at them. She then frowned and squinted towards where her ball had gone.

"Where's my ball? Page!" She yelled.

McTwisp looked up at her frightfully. "Yes, Your Majesty." He replied, and hopped off to go find it.

As he came through the bushes, he witnessed Alice untying the hedgehog and watching it run away.

"Well, if it isn't the wrong Alice." He greeted. "What brings you here, Hmm?"

"I've come to rescue the Hatter and (Y/n)." Alice told him.

McTwisp shook his head. "You're not rescuing anyone being the size of a gerbil."

"Well, do you have anymore of that cake that made me grow before?" Alice asked.

"Upelkuchen? Actually, I might have some left." McTwisp pulled out a small slice of the cake and handed it to Alice who took a couple bites from it.

"Not all of it!" He warned, seeing her scoff it down.

It was too late. She started growing at a fast rate, her dress ripping off of her.

Meanwhile, the Queen had wandered over to them, wondering what was taking so long, and spotted Alice standing behind a wall of bushes, covering herself up.

"And what is this?" The Red Queen asked.

"'s a 'who' Your Majesty. This is...Um..."

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