Chapter 8: The White Queen

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The Bandersnatch bounded down a dirt path that had several beautiful white trees lined on either side of the path. Just ahead was a magnificent White Castle that seemed to have a chess theme going on.


Alice and (Y/n) entered the castle and approached the White Queen who was sitting on her throne. She was a kind woman with long white hair, red lips, and pale skin.

Alice held the sword out to her and the Queen stood from her throne and smiled. "Welcome to Marmoreal."

"I believe this belongs to you." Alice said.

The Queen took the sword and sighed happily. "The Vorpal Sword is home again."

Next to her chair was a suit of armor with its hands held out. The Queen put the sword in the armor's hands and turned to Alice.

"The armor is complete. Now all we need is a champion. You're a little taller than I thought you'd be." She whispered.

Alice shrugged. "Blame it on too much upelkuchen."

The Queen's brows raised. "Oh. Come with me." She held out her hand for Alice which she took, and then held her other out for (Y/n).


The Queen lead the two girls inside a kitchen, and as soon as they opened the doors, something smashed against them, splattering food against the door.

"Is the March Hare here?" (Y/n) asked, knowing that there was only one animal that would do something like that.

Sure enough, the March Hare was hopping around the room like a mad man.

"You're late for your soul, you wee besom. You're late for your soup! Come here. Chopping chop chop chop! Leak and potato. Yes. That would be..."

As he was doing whatever he was doing, the White Queen walked over to a table with several different bottles and baskets of ingredients.

"Pishsalver. Let me think...A pinch of work fat...urine if the horsefly...buttered fingers!" The Queen picked up an actual finger and dropped it into a pot. "My sister preferred to study Dominion Over Living Things. Tell me, how does she seem to you?"

(Y/n) snorted. "Well, if you ask me I think she's a real b—!"

"Butter!" The March Hare yelled, throwing some butter across the room.

"She's...perfectly horrid." Alice said.

"And her..." The Queen raised her hands beside her head. "Head?"

"Bulbous." Alice described.

"Fat." (Y/n) added.

"I think she may have some kind of growth in there, something pressing on her brain." The Queen theorized, as she continues to brew the Pishsalver. "Three coins from a dead man's pocket...two teaspoons of wishful thinking..."

"You can't imagine the things that go on in that place." Alice told her.

The White Queen gave her a knowing stare. "Yes I can." She whispered. "But when a champion steps forth to slay the Jabberwocky, the people will rise against her."

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