Chapter 2: The Red Queen

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Somewhere, in the more gloomy and dark parts of Underland, stood a magnificent castle. It was mostly red and white, and had several heart shaped arches all around it as well as a magnificent garden with a topiary shaped like a woman's large head.


Inside the castle, a woman threw open two double doors and began screaming.

"Someone has stolen three of my tarts!"

The Red Queen, was a tall woman with curly red hair shaped like a heart, and crown that sat on her abnormally large head. Her face was pale, she had stark blue eyeshadow that went all the way up to her brows, and wore red lipstick shaped like a heart.

Behind her stood several people that also seemed to have abnormally large body parts.

The Queen stepped into the throne room, and passed a line of frog butlers.

"Did you steal them?" She asked one of them.

"No, Your Majesty." The butler replied.

"Did you?"

"No Your Majesty."

"Did you steal them?"

"No, Your Majesty."

She got to the end of the line, all of the frogs claiming they didn't steal her tarts. The Queen slowly turned around and walked back down the line, but paused when one of the frogs swallowed nervously. She turned to face him, and bent down in front of his face.

"Did you steal my tarts?" She whispered.

"No, Your Majesty." The frog croaked out.

The Queen stared at him, and used her finger to swipe of something purple from the corner of his lips.

She licked it off her finger and stared at him. "Squimberry juice."

The frog finally cracked, and began pleading for his life. "I was so hungry! I didn't mean to!"

"Off with his head!" The Queen declared.

"My family! Oh please, please don't! No! I have little ones to look after!" The frog begged as he was dragged away.

The Queen turned to a fish butler that was scurrying along beside her. "Go to his house and collect the little ones. I love tadpoles on toast almost as much as I love caviar."

The Queen stepped up onto a raised platform and sat on her plush red throne, as another fish slithered up to her, carrying a drink on a tray.

"Dwink!" She demanded, taking the drink from the tray.

"Majesty." A voice called.

The Queen looked to the side and saw a tall man with black hair and an eyepatch over his left eye that was shaped like a heart.

The Queen turned to him and smiled, holding out her hand which he took and kissed.

"Ilosovic Stayne, you knave, where have you been hiding?" The Queen purred.

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