Chapter 10: The Battle

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The Red Queen and White Queen's armies both met on neutral ground. The area they met was barren and empty, with dying trees, and a broken structure. The floor of the battlefield was made of cracked stone squares that made the area look like a checkerboard.

The White Queen stepped off her horse as the Red Queen stepped out of her small carriage. Both women walked towards the center of the battlefield and stared at each other.

"Hello, Iracebeth." The White Queen greeted.

"Hello, Mirana." The Red Queen replied.

McTwisp came between them and blew a horn. "On this, the Frabjous Day, the Queens, Red and White shall send forth their champions to do battle on their behalf!" He announced.

The White Queen sighed. "Oh, Racie. We don't have to fight."

"I know what you're doing." The Red Queen accused. "You think you can blink those pretty little eyes and I'll melt, just like mummy and daddy did."

The White Queen held her hand out. "Please."

"No!" The Red Queen snapped. "It is my cwown! I am the eldest!" She looked behind her. "Jabberwocky!"

The two sisters backed away from each other, and the Red Queen's army parted. Behind them, two large wings stretched out, and a big creature that resembled a dragon lifted it's head and let out a roar, revealing several sharp teeth.

Alice, Hatter and (Y/n) stared at the Jabberwocky in fear.

"This is impossible." Alice said.

"Only if you believe it is." (Y/n) replied.

"Sometimes I believe as many as six impossible things before breakfast." Alice confided.

"That is an excellent practice." The Hatter said, not taking his eyes off the Jabberwocky, who stepped onto the battlefield. "However, just for the moment, you really might want to focus on the Jabberwocky."

The Red Queen smiled smugly at the White Queen.

"Where's your champion, sister?"

Alice stepped forward. "Here."

The Red Queen frowned. "Hello, Um."

Everyone stepped back except for Alice and the Jabberwocky, who continued to walk towards each other.

"Six impossible things. Count them Alice." Alice said to herself. "One, there's a potion that can make you shrink."

Alice and the Jabberwocky finally came face to face with each other, and he roared at her.

"Two, and a cake that can make you grow."

"So, my old foe, we meet on the battlefield once again." The Jabberwocky hissed.

"We've never met." Alice said.

"Not you, insignificant bearer. My ancient enemy. The Vorpal One." He snapped, his tongue slithering out of his mouth.

"That's enough chatter." Alice suddenly decided. She swiped the Vorpal Sword and cut off the Jabberwocky's tongue.

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