10th member is Girls' Generation's Tiffany little sister

Start from the beginning

The music continued, and the room was filled with an atmosphere of warmth and love. Tiffany and Y/N's bond was a testament to the strength of sisterhood, and it was a privilege for the TWICE members to witness it firsthand.

As the night grew late, the Hwang Sisters bid their guests farewell, promising to meet up again soon since Y/N was staying with her older sister for the weekend. The TWICE members left the penthouse with smiles on their faces, touched by the genuine connection they had witnessed between the sisters.

In the car on the way back to their own dorm, Sana couldn't help but speak up. 

Sana - Y/N is so different from what I expected.

Dahyun - Yeah, I thought she'd be more reserved, considering how protective Tiffany unnie is. *smiles*

Momo - But I love how playful and carefree she is. She's like a burst of sunshine.

Nayeon beamed as she watched the city lights pass by. 

Nayeon - It just goes to show that you never really know someone until you meet them.

Back in Tiffany's penthouse, the sisters settled down on the couch, their laughter and music a distant memory. Y/N snuggled up to Tiffany, feeling safe and loved in her sister's presence.

Tiffany brushed a strand of hair away from her little sister's face. 

Tiffany - You really like those TWICE girls, don't you?

The younger girl nodded with a grin. 

Y/N - They're all so nice and fun to be around. I can see why you're friends with them.

Tiffany - Just remember, no matter how much you like them, you'll always be my little sister, and I'll always be overprotective of you. *chuckling* 

Y/N - I wouldn't have it any other way, unnie. *laughing as she wraps her arms around the older girl*

As the two sisters shared a tender moment, their bond stronger than ever, they couldn't help but feel grateful for the chance to share their love and laughter with the members of TWICE. It was a night they would cherish forever.

Over the next few weeks, TWICE began to spend more time with Y/N whenever the schedules allowed. They had come to adore Y/N's playful spirit and boundless energy, and they were eager to get to know her better.

One sunny afternoon, Sana and Mina invited the maknae to join them for a shopping trip in the bustling streets of Myeongdong. Y/N's eyes lit up with excitement as she agreed, and they set off on their adventure.

As they strolled through the colourful boutiques and street vendors, the young girl's playful side emerged. She tried on silly hats, danced to the music played by street performers, and even convinced Sana and Mina to join her in a spontaneous game of rock-paper-scissors to determine their next stop.

The day was filled with laughter, and Sana and Mina couldn't help but marvel at their new dongsang's ability to find joy in the simplest of things. They had always been known as the playful trio (with Momo) of TWICE, but Y/N took it to a whole new level.

Later that evening, they returned to their dorm, bags filled with their shopping finds. As they sat on the living room floor, Y/N suggested they have a dance-off to see who had the best dance moves.

Mina and Sana exchanged amused glances. They were known for their dance skills, but they couldn't resist Y/N's infectious enthusiasm. The three of them danced and twirled around the room, laughing and cheering each other on.

The rest of the TWICE unnies watched in amusement, realizing that their kid had brought a new level of playful energy to their group. They had always been close and had their own playful moments, but Y/N was like a catalyst, inspiring them to let loose and have fun like never before.

Over time, the members of TWICE learned how to handle Y/N's playful nature. They discovered that she brought out the best in each of them, encouraging them to embrace their inner child and find joy in the everyday moments.

One rainy evening, Jihyo, the leader of TWICE, found her child sitting by the window, watching the raindrops race down the glass. Y/N had a thoughtful expression on her face, and Jihyo approached her quietly.

Jihyo - Honey, what's on your mind?

The mentioned girl turned her gaze away from the rain, her expression thoughtful. 

Y/N - I'm just thinking about how different it is being a part of TWICE. It's been amazing, but sometimes it's overwhelming too.

Jihyo nodded, understanding the weight of being part of a globally famous girl group like TWICE. 

Jihyo - It can be challenging, especially for someone as young as you. But remember, we're here for you, just like you've been here for us with your playful spirit.

Y/N - Thank you, mama. I'm really grateful to be a part of TWICE. You've all been so welcoming. *smiles gratefully*

As they sat together, watching the rain fall, Jihyo and Y/N shared a moment of quiet understanding. It was a rare opportunity for Y/N to open up about her experiences, and Jihyo felt honoured to be someone she could confide in.

In the weeks that followed, the TWICE members continued to bond with the maknae. They learned more about her as they shared meals, late-night conversations, and playful games. They discovered that TWICE's sunshine was not just a playful spirit, she was also kind-hearted, empathetic, and fiercely dedicated to her role in the group.

One day, as they prepared for a rigorous dance rehearsal, Y/N showed a side of herself that surprised them all. She was usually playful and carefree, but when it came to her work, she was a perfectionist (Same-). She practised her dance moves tirelessly, seeking feedback from the members and the choreographer.

Tzuyu, who had observed her only little sister's dedication, approached her during a break.

Tzuyu - You're really passionate about your work, honeybum.

Y/N wiped the sweat from her brow, nodding. 

Y/N - I want to give my best to TWICE and our fans. I don't want anyone to think I'm here just because I'm Tiffany's sister.

Tzuyu - We've seen your dedication, bae. We know you're here because you deserve it. *smiling warmly*

As the days turned into weeks and the weeks into months, Y/N's playful spirit continued to shine, but now the TWICE members also saw the depth of her character. She was not just Tiffany's little sister, she was a valuable member of the group, someone they could rely on and learn from.

One evening, as the sun set over Seoul, Y/N found herself in the company of her older sisters once more. They were sitting on a rooftop, enjoying a quiet moment together.

Momo spoke up, breaking the peaceful silence. 

Momo - You know, darling, we've learned a lot from you.

Y/N - What do you mean? *raises an eyebrow*

Sana - Your playful spirit has taught us to have more fun and enjoy the little moments in life. But we've also learned that you're dedicated, hardworking, and incredibly kind.

Dahyun - You've shown us that there's so much more to you than we initially thought. You're not just Tiffany's little sister! You're our Y/N, a fantastic member of TWICE.

Y/N - Thank you, unnies. I'm so grateful to be a part of this amazing group, and I'm learning so much from all of you too. *tears nearly overflowing*

They shared a group hug, the bond between them growing stronger with each passing day. The maknae had not only found her place in TWICE but had also enriched their lives with her playful spirit and unwavering dedication.

Together, they knew they would continue to learn from each other, support each other, and create music and memories that would last a lifetime. And this made them all look at each other with the same thing in mind:

I am proud of our dear chosen family.

A/N: I'm sorry for any errors, English is not my first language. Pls, let me know if there is something wrong, ty for reading <3

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