Chapter 1: Meet Eldowin

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The universe is infinite, many possibilities and discoveries are to be found, chaos lurking throughout every corner, and many stories to learn about the cosmos pans out as we zoom in on a certain realm known as The Aeus. In this realm we decide to explore the perspective of a 16 year old boy who wishes to discover the secrets of his realm and chart himself down in the history books as one of the greatest magic wielders to exist...

Eldowin's P.O.V

I feel the wind breeze by as I open my groggy eyes looking into the sun rising as I use any willpower I have to force myself into a sitting position, yawning I ruffle my long ass hair attempting to get any flees out and when nothing happens I just trust that I got them out and get up from my bed and go take a shower, time to start the day. I take the time to work on washing my hair as that's what I usually start with before going down onto my upper and then my lower half the process is fairly quick and I finish in about 2 minutes and I exit the shower drying myself off and exiting. I dress up in a fairly simple outfit a white and purple bomber jacket, a white T-shirt with a white skull on it and some jeans with some shoes and before I do I look at myself and checks everything, my fairly built body and chilling at a comfortable 5'9, I yawn again as I walk out and greet my family. I start with my little sister Rem an 11 year old girl with black hair and soft white skin and is about half the size of me, I knock on the door and she wakes up excitedly with a wide grin on her face, "Eldo!" She yells to me as she runs up to me hugging me I return the hug as I ruffle her hair crouching down to her level, "Hey Rem, How's life treating you?" She responds with a positive response as I stretch out relieving whatever pent up feeling I had as she smiles and says "I'm going to get ready for a play date with my friend I'll see you!" She says as I walk down stairs and see my mom is cooking something for breakfast, she is a pretty woman with black hair and merlot eyes she is a pretty tall woman at 6'1ft as I greet her as I begin to exit the apartment, "You're gonna leave without eating breakfast?" I stop in my tracks as I give a quick response "Well I'm not that hungry plus I'm going to meet a friend of mine" She gives me a look before she sighs and says, "Ok I can't stop you just say safe for me neh?" I nod to her as she lets out crocodile tears and poses dramatically, "I just wish you could at least cook the food that your mother put the effort and love into-" I left the apartment immediately and went to the capital of solace city.

I walk through the city as I take a look at the vibrant buzzing of people either looking to find a way to their jobs or to cause some neighbourhood mischief it all falls deaf to my ears as the loud people and car all start to fade out I walk in the comfortable silence when I see a familiar face walk up to me greeting me with a smile, "What's up El?" my friend Ryo says as he hangs his arm over my shoulder, Ryo is a half human and half Zuda hybrid with dark Cinnamon coloured hair, Ryo is about the same height as me but he's wearing a Shirt with slightly baggy pants with sneakers on, I chuckle a bit as I answer him, "Nah nothing much just a bit of exploring you know, the works" I shrug at the end of my sentence as he hands me a confident smile as he says, "Well since you don't seem to be busy how's about you and I go over to Aurora's lake? Gaze at the lake below and admire it's busy and show you some new things I've learned?" I smirk at him as I say, "Sure" with our mutual agreement settled that we'd head to Aurora's we start making our way there ready to discover whatever Ryo has learned in his past time.

The Two boys head over to aurora's lake a giant lake with a constant starry night sky that over looks it, the lake is littered with weapons and tattered pieces of robes and armour as people usually come here to battle and this time even though different in terms of context has the same idea, showing off your moves, exactly what Ryo showed to his friend he summons a ball of fire in his hand and he makes it dance around his hand for a few moments as he suddenly makes a circling motion clockwise the flame following his movements as he makes a flaming portal appear.

Eldowin's eyes widen a bit in surprise he knew that making elemental portals took a lot of experience to make but he trusted his Half-Infernal friend that he would be able to pull it off, "You see that? I had one hell of a time trying to learn that move but now I've done it! Hahaha!" He laughs in triumph as Eldo chuckles along with him as Ryo shows him more spells that he learned and after about 2 hours Ryo pops a question, "Hey El, why don't you ever practice with your magic?" Eldo is quick to answer, "I just don't find the need to, I'm strong enough to hold my own against others so why try? I literally fought against Dre and won I'm sure I can hold my own" Ryo scoffs in a playful manner as he says, "I'll believe you trust me Fiend energy is easy to counter" Eldo quickly snaps back, "Name one person that was able to counter my energy up until this point" The boy thinks for a moment and he shrugs as Eldo gives him a smirk, "That's what I thought" The two share a laugh as they lie down comfortably under the starry night sky as unbeknownst to them they were being watched by an forgotten daemon of a certain faith she looks at them with lifeless eyes as she grips onto her dagger as crystals slowly form around the blade but she calms down and says, "Now's not the time just wait until the right moment..." she mutters to herself and she stares at the boys from a distance, watching and waiting never looking away at all.

Eldowin's POV

We rest up as I say to Ryo, "Hey I think it's getting late, wanna head home?" Ryo gets up stretching as he replies to me in tired tone, "Sure I wasted a bit too much magic showing you my new spells" I huff in amusement as I say, "Alright, let's get going" Us two start to walk away as I close my eyes wondering into my mind searching for something to focus on and before I could even react I hear a cry of pain erupt from the left of me I look and see Ryo getting a deep cut in his arm by a thrown dagger as I look back from the spot I suspected it'd been thrown from as I say, "Alright, whose the jokester!?" before I can say I see a woman flash in front of me as she aims a left hook to my face but I parry her and counter with a kick to her stomach as I look at her with a glare I surround myself in Amethyst coloured energy as my eyes glow purple I look to her and ask, "To what do I owe the pleasure of?" The woman stands back up as she looks on in hatred that sends chills down my spine but I shake them off and I get into a fighting stance, "I'll gladly knock you into the stratosphere if it's a fight you want" I challenge her and Ryo recovers from being stabbed in the arm as he says, "I'm not allowing you to fight alone now who knows what tricks she may have up her sleeve" I note that down as me and him stare down the woman in front of us ready to take her head on...

The Two prepare to fight this mysterious woman as she gives off a smile to the two as she pulls out a sickle and starts charging towards the two but these two just reciprocate the action getting ready to take this woman down, both wondering why she's here and what her business with them is...

Author's note: Qwerty

Narrator's POV: Italics (unless stated otherwise) 

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