"Aha. Every word," the brunette stated, taking a seat next to Cassidy.
"The truth is, it doesn't sound as exciting as your adventures," he looked from her to Usopp.

"Yes. . ." he looked away at the seeds in front of him.

"And One Piece, are you seriously going to look for it?" she asked again.

"Yep," he stated his response.
"And I'm going to be the pirate who finds it," he assured.

"Wow! I really want to do that," Usopp mentioned with a smile.

"It would be fantastic to sail on a sea full of adventures," Cassidy agreed.

"But. . . we can't because of Kaya," Usopp interrupted.
"We must accompany her."

"Why? Is she your girlfriend or something?" the swordsman finally spoke with a mocking tone.

Cassidy laughed.
"You got it right, my friend," they both laughed.

"What?" Usopp mentioned nervously, looking at the swordsman.
"Ma-More like. . . my best friend."

Cassidy raised both eyebrows, completely incredulous. It was clear that she didn't believe him at all.

"Her parents died a few years ago and. . . it was very painful," he explained, ignoring Cassidy's gaze on him.
"And after all that she got sick and I. . . well, I just want to help her with whatever she needs."

"In short, he's in love," Cassidy interrupted, smiling, crossing her arms.

"Well, she is. . . intelligent and she's super pretty, she has the cutest laugh, but. . . well," he spoke dumbfounded. "You don't think she. . . likes me, do you?" he looked at the green-haired man.

"Hey, I don't even know her. Ask your friend," he pointed out to Cassidy, who rolled her eyes.

"Look for other people's opinions, it's clear that I told him this many times, but he says I'm only saying it because I'm his friend," she shrugged her shoulders.

"Yes, yes, but if you were Kaya, would you like it in that plan?" he asked interested.

"I like you," Luffy confessed with a friendly smile, holding a chicken bone in his hand.

"N-It's not what I asked, but. . . forget it," he responded.

"I appreciate your help, Luffy," Cassidy laughed, patting the captain's shoulder.

Usopp took his rubber band again, throwing another seed into the mansion's pots.

"Wow. . . you're a great sniper," Luffy complimented, pointing at him with the bone.

"I got it from my dad, I also taught Cassidy a little, she's good with the bow and arrows," she smiled proudly.
"Our parents are famous pirates, although Cassie doesn't remember the name of hers, something tells us that he is big and I don't remember my father very well because he sailed into the ocean when he was a baby, but. . . I know he will return one day," he explained, throwing another seed again.

"Yasopp the great" she mentioned to his father with a wide smile.

"Yasopp," Luffy repeated, getting up from his seat.
"Are you his son?" he asked in amazement.

"Yes, why? Have you heard of him?" Usopp asked, somewhat confused.

"Hear from him?! I know Yasopp! He's part of Shanks' crew!" he commented, totally excited.

"Did you know my dad?"

"Did you know Soppi's father?"

"I don't know who Soppi is, but yes, I met Yasopp. He is the best," he stated. "He is always willing to share pirate wisdom."

✓ 𝖘𝖆𝖚𝖈𝖊𝖗𝖘 𝖔𝖋 𝖑𝖔𝖛𝖊  _↱VINSMOKE SANJI Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora