1.0 - the day after

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I woke up the next morning to the smell of breakfast. I open my eyes and forget where I was for a minute.

Then everything came flooding back. I was in Carl's house, and not just in his house, his room.

I looked over to see he was gone. I guess he went downstairs to eat.

I check my phone to see messages from the group chat. Lydia and Enid were hungover while Henry wanted to know how much trouble I was in.

I quickly texted them that I wasn't at home and at Carl's and that I would explain everything later.

I went downstairs to see Carl sitting on the kitchen island, eating pancakes and reading a comic book.

I look to see Rick was finishing up cooking. He had on a tan button up and jeans. The button up wasn't a dress shirt, it was more casual.

It was the most casual I've ever seen him. He noticed me walking in and smiled.

"You can help yourself with breakfast." He offered. I looked over to see a bunch of food.

"Are you sure?" I asked as he nodded. "Yes, help yourself." I would feel bad if I said no so I went over and grabbed a plate.

As I walked past Carl, I jokingly shoved his head. He looked at me with a small smile on his face.

"It took you long enough to wake up." He teased me. I just shake my head while I grab some pancakes.

Rick watches our encounter but doesn't say anything. I sit down next to Carl and start eating.

I was surprised to find his food was really good. Carl finished a few minutes before I did.

He puts his plate in the sink and announces he's going to shower. He leaves Rick and I alone which is a little awkward at first.

We finished our food at the same time so I started helping him. He noticed and looked at me trying to help.

"You don't have to help." He tried to tell me. I just shrugged while looking at him. Him and Carl have the same blue eyes.

"It's the least I can do since you let me stay here last night." He nodded, not saying anything else.

It was quiet for a few moments. "I just wanted to thank you." He spoke vaguely. I furrow my eyebrows towards him.

"For what?" I question. As he cleans off a pan, he looks over at me.

"I just haven't seen Carl like this since his mom and I split a few months ago." He started.

It made my heart hurt thinking of Carl hurting and sad. In the span of just a few weeks, I feel like Carl and I grew a bond.

We're both struggling with things and we understand each other. I don't know if it should scare me or not but it doesn't.

"It's just nice seeing the old Carl again. I heard him laugh for the first time yesterday. I haven't heard him laugh in months."

He's talking about when he laughed at the pep rally. "What I'm trying to get at is thank you for helping him." I could see some tears in his eyes.

I bit my lip while smiling. It made my heart happy that I'm helping him somehow.

"He's helped me a lot too." I admit to him. Rick doesn't have to know about my past to know it sucks.

I just moved here with my older sister. "My mom passed due to a drunk driver and my dad didn't know how to handle it so he turned to alcohol."

Rick was looking at me with sadness all over his face. "I'm sorry to hear that. No kid should go through that." I nod my head in agreement.

"If you and your sister need anything, just let me know, alright?" I could tell he was being genuine.

Before we could say anything else, we could hear Carl walking down the steps.

I looked over to see Carl. He was fully dressed in his usual attire of jeans, a t-shirt, and flannel.

His long hair was dripping wet and he was holding his car keys. "I figured you wanted to go back home so you wouldn't be stuck here." He admits.

It was nice of him but I looked down at my outfit to see I'm still wearing Carl's clothes.

He went off to another room and came back with my onesie. He tossed it to me causing me to catch it.

It was warm so I'm assuming he put it in the washer and dryer for me.

I made sure to thank him as I quickly changed in the downstairs bathroom.

I hand Carl his clothes when I walk out of the bathroom.

Before leaving, I make sure to thank Rick again for letting me stay here and making breakfast.

Carl and I walk out to his car and climb in. Carl and I made small talk on the way to my apartment building.

I gave him directions since it was his first time going there. When he pulled into the parking lot, I made sure to thank him.

Not just for the ride but for everything. For picking me up late last night and letting me stay.

"I'll see you on Monday, dork." He rolls his eyes as I climb out of the car. I walk up to the building and to our apartment.

I don't know what to say to Rosita when I go in. When I walked in, she was eating a bowl of cereal on the couch.

She turns over to me and smiles. "Hey, how did last night go?" She asked curiously. I just shrugged while walking to her.

"It was pretty chill. I just want to know how your night went." I changed the subject.

Her face turned red while thinking about it. She just explained how she met the guy she's been talking to at a bar.

Rosita knows the effects of drinking so if she does drink, she takes limits.

It was nice knowing Rosita actually got to go out without worry. That's why I didn't want to say anything to her.

Usually I don't lie to her but this time will. She did go out and get groceries so while she was gone, I did a group face time.

They all answered almost instantly. "You better start explaining yourself." Lydia spoke as I started laughing.

I explained what all happened from Sophia pouring her drink on me, calling Carl and him picking me up, staying the night there, and this morning.

When I finished they were all silent. "I'm surprised his dad didn't come and shut the party down." Henry spoke.

"She stayed the night at Carl Grimes room and that's what you gotta say?" Lydia asked causing us to laugh.

"It's not even that serious. He slept on his floor." I reminded them. We talked on the phone for hours.

Lydia said she would bring my backpack with her since I left it in her car. I finished the majority of my homework so I wasn't too worried about it.

Carl and I also texted all day. He told me how Rick really likes me and he hopes to see me around the house more.

I feel myself getting closer to Carl. I've never had anyone understand me this much like he does.

Hopefully we stay friends.

Atlas || carl grimes a.u.Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin