0.9 - late nights

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I heard a car pull up next to me so I look up. I've had my head in my knees, too embarrassed to look up.

I instantly recognized it to be Carl's jeep. He pulls up right next to me and gets out.

He walks around the Jeep, looking over at me with worry on his face as I stood up.

"Hey, what happened?" He asked with worry in his voice,

I was shocked he was worried. I would be too if I called him at almost midnight in tears and asking him to pick me up from the party.

I could feel my lip start quivering as he rushed to me. He brought me into a hug which surprised me.

My face was buried into his chest. I wrapped my arms around him as I tried to not cry, the knot forming in my throat.

"I swear to god, if Ron did anything to you, I'm gonna go beat his ass again." I pull away to look at him.

His face went from worry to anger. "It wasn't Ron, it was Sophia. I'll explain in the car, I just wanna get away."

He nods his head, not saying anything else. He helps me into the passenger side, opening and closing the door for me.

He jogs around the car and climbs in so he can drive away.

I didn't even realize that he was still in his clothes from school.

As he drove, I explained what happened and how Sophia completely embarrassed me.

I could see his knuckles were white as he was shaking his head.

"God, she is such a bitch." He cursed as he drove. As he did, I came to a realization.

"I can't go home like this, I smell like alcohol and Rosita will kill me." I worry.

He glances at me as he drives. "You can come to my house and shower really quick and I can wash your onesie." He offered.

It was really nice of him. "What about your dad?" I questioned.

He shook his head while keeping his eyes on the road. "Don't worry about him. He's working late since it's Halloween." It makes sense.

Busting college kids for drunk driving. Or busting underage parties.

He drives me to his house, which I'm very thankful for. When I go in, he says he'll grab a t-shirt and sweats for me.

As I start the shower, he hands me the clothes. "Let me know if you need anything. I'll be in my room, second room to the left."

I just nod my head at him. He stands there awkwardly for a moment and leaves room.

I take a quick shower, trying to wash the alcohol off my hair.

When I got out, I quickly dried myself off and put his clothes on. His clothes were a little bit baggy on me.

When I got out of the bathroom, I could hear talking from downstairs. I instantly recognized Rick's voice.

"Does her sister know you picked her up?" Rick asked his son. I guess he got here when I was in the shower.

I didn't want to interrupt their talking so I stood on the top step and listened in. "Not that I know of. You should've heard her, dad." I bite my lip.

"Sophia completely embarrassed her tonight." I could hear a hint of anger in Carl's voice when he spoke.

I'm kinda shocked that he's so upset about what happened. It seems like he genuinely cares for me.

I started feeling bad for overhearing this so I started walking down the steps. They stopped talking as I stepped down.

They were both looking at me, Rick still in his uniform. I don't think I've ever seen him with it off.

"Are you okay?" Rick asked as I slowly walked up to the two. I just shrug, not knowing what to say.

"I hope you don't blame him for me being here. I didn't really know who else to call." I tell him.

Rick glanced at Carl and looked over at me. "It's just, my sister deserves a night out after the things we've been through and I trust Carl." I admit.

Carl looked at me softly. "I'm glad you called someone that you trust. Carl here told me what happened." I look at the brunette to see him mouth 'i'm sorry'.

"I didn't drink tonight, I don't like alcohol." Rick laughed a little at my nervousness.

Did I just willingly admit to a cop that I went to a high school party with alcohol?

"If you think I'm going to arrest you, I'm not. I believe you're better than half those people at the party." My nerves went away.

I stand there for a moment, not knowing what to say. "It's late and I already told Carl I don't want him driving this late." Rick starts.

"Especially on Halloween night. I'll let it slide this one time and you can stay here. If it happens again, I'll have to tell your sister." I nodded my head.

"I completely understand, thank you so much." Rick looks in between the two of us.

He then taps his hand on the kitchen counter. "Get some rest you two." He looks at us for a moment and walks away.

I'm assuming he went into his room as I looked at Carl. He cleared his throat as he started walking to the steps.

"You can sleep in my bed if you want. I was going to take the floor." I followed him up to his room.

I wondered what it looked like, how messy it was. It was a decent sized room.

A desk with an office chair, a dresser with a TV sitting on it, a PlayStation sitting by his Tv and a full sized bed.

There were some dirty clothes scattered around but it wasn't much. I look on his desk to see some comic books.

I was one hundred percent surprised by these. "You read comic books?" I tease him. He started turning red from embarrassment.

"I swear to god, Vanessa. If you tell anyone I read comic books, I'm gonna get you back." He tries to take it from my hand but I was too fast.

It was a Marvel comic. "Don't worry, if I did I don't think anyone would believe that Carl Grimes reads comic books." I laugh.

I sat on his bed, which was very comfortable. I skim through the comics and I could feel his stare on me.

As I sat here and read, I could feel myself getting more comfortable and tired. I sat the comic book on the desk and made myself more comfortable.

Carl took some pillows and blankets and laid them on the ground. He made himself conformable as I started thinking.

"Do you ever miss your mom?" I question. He was silent for a moment. "I haven't really thought of it." He answered.

"I mean, I guess I miss being a family. It just all changed so fast." He remembered back.

I feel like we're about to have a deep conversation. "Does your dad make you talk to her?" I wonder.

"He wants me to have a relationship with her, but I can't. Not seeing how hurt he was after." His voice stayed calm and steady.

"He didn't just lose and feel betrayed by his wife, he was betrayed and lost his best friend." It made me feel so bad for Rick.

That man doesn't deserve it, whatsoever. "Do you think you'll ever forgive her?" I ask him.

He thinks about it for a moment. "Maybe in the future, but not right now." It was now my turn to become quiet.

"What about you? Would you ever forgive your dad for the shit he's done?" He asked, I almost instantly knew the answer.

"No. He knows that alcohol is the reason my mom, his wife, isn't alive anymore and he still chose it over me and Rosita."

I don't think I will ever understand why he chose it. "If you could bring your mom back, would you?" He questioned.

"Oh four sure. I miss her everyday. I do think that something happens for a reason though." I speak.

As I lay there, I could feel myself getting more tired and sleepy. It's been an extremely long day.

"Goodnight, Carl."

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