0.3 - projects and fist fights

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"So, for the next week, we're going to be doing group projects about different Native American tribes of your choice." I look over at Henry.

Hopefully the two of us will be paired up. "Can we make our groups?" Ron Anderson spoke up.

I can see why Henry thinks he's a douchebag. Mr. Ford shook his head, causing everyone to groan.

"I've already paired you guys up into your groups." He pulled the list out and started reading it off.

Henry and I always thought Mr. Ford didn't look like a history teacher. He's an extreme buff red head and hardass.

Henry told me he was in the army for a little bit so I was surprised that he wasn't the ROTC teacher.

Henry said that Mr. Ford explained that he just always had a fascination with US history.

"Henry is paired up with Ron." Henry looked over at me and rolled his eyes making me giggle a little.

I did hate that we weren't paired up though. "And finally, I want Vanessa and Carl paired up with each other." Of course I'm paired up with him.

I look over at Carl to see he was staring at me with a glare. The bell rang as Mr. Ford was explaining that we'll talk about it more tomorrow.

We all gather our stuff while walking out of the class. "This project is going to suck ass." Henry complained while walking out.

I just laugh as I looked at the blonde. "I mean, at least you got the partner you wanted." He shook his head.

I looked at him in surprise. "I'd much rather have you as a partner than Carl." I did tell the group about me trying to talk to Carl.

They weren't surprised that he was arguing with his dad and rude. "Yeah, okay. You're obsessed with him." I jokingly rolled my eyes.

"You're an idiot dude." I tease. We walk next to each other as we head to our classes.

Spanish, my last class, went pretty boring. Since I knew the majority of Spanish, I had all my work done early.

When it finished, I started walking to Rosita's room. I had to walk past Mr. Ford's room to get to hers.

I could hear Carl's voice so I stopped before I passed. "I don't understand why you want to switch partners." I heard Mr. Ford ask.

"I'd rather just do it alone." Carl spoke to him. I wasn't surprised. I wonder if he's asking because he wants to do it alone or because of me.

Probably a mixture of both. "It's a group project, Carl. That means you need to work with someone."

So, he's going to force Carl to work with me and I know it's going to make him hate me.

"Does it have to be her?" I heard Carl ask him. I then heard Mr. Ford sigh towards him.

"That's part of life, kid. I work with people I don't like but I deal with it." He spoke.

I heard Carl groan and footsteps head my way. Luckily he walked out the other way so he didn't see me at all.

It took me a second to process everything, but once I did, I just shook my head and walked to my sisters room.

By the time we left, I had gotten my homework done. The night went about the same as usual.

Rosita and I watch TV while we eat dinner and she finishes grading. The next morning, I took a quick shower and put something on.

I put on a black t-shirt, a jean jacket, and black and yellow plaid pants. I tied my vans as I grabbed my backpack.

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