0.1 - the first day

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I didn't want to do this. I don't want to be here. Granted, it's away from my dad, I just didn't want to leave my friends.

I looked at myself in the mirror, seeing if my outfit looked decent for the first day of school.

Black skinny jeans, vans, a band shirt, and a flannel. It's October so it's pretty chilly in Virginia.

There was a knock on my door causing me to turn to look at my older sister, Rosita.

"Are you nervous?" She asked while walking in. I wouldn't be here without her and I'm super thankful for her.

I nod my head towards her. We're originally from Dallas so this is a big move for me.

"These kids have known each other their whole lives." I explain.

"I just feel like I'm going to be that weird new girl." I sadly say. She frowns a little as she looks at me.

I was always jealous of my sister. She was so strong, no matter how loud my father would scream at her, she would never crack.

She would scream back and defend me while I would stay silent. The whole reason she stayed there was for me.

We had enough though and she talked to an attorney about getting custody of me and luckily got it and we moved.

I guess the school's ROTC teacher got fired and she got the job. "I know it's scary but I think this is gonna be a good thing for us, Nessa." She smiled.

"A fresh start, away from dad." She mentioned. I sighed and nodded my head.

She asked if I was ready to leave so I nodded my head and grabbed my backpack.

The two of us head to the high school, the radio station playing in the back.

We weren't too early so there were people here. "I'm going to make sure my room is ready, will you be okay?" She asked as we parked.

I nodded my head and get out of the car. I sigh and head inside the school.

I go into the front office so I can grab my schedule. It took her a few minutes to come to me.

"Hi, how can I help you?" She asked sweetly. "It's my first day so I need my schedule." I inform her.

"What's your name, dear?" She questioned. "Vanessa Espinosa." She looks through some papers for a moment.

She hands me a piece of paper that has all my classes on it. English, Gym, Biology, Study Hall, Algebra, Us History, and Spanish.

Just in that order too. I inhale a breath and make sure to thank her. I walked to my first class, English three.

I gotta admit, I was a little lost trying to find my class. I started to get frustrated. "Hey, are you new?" I heard a girl ask.

I turned to look at her and she seemed pretty nice. I couldn't help but laugh at myself a little.

"Is it that obvious?" She let out a small laugh and nodded her head.

"Can I see your schedule so I can see if we have any classes together?" I nodded.

I let her see my schedule causing her to scan it. I could see her smile a bit.

"We have English, Study Hall, and Algebra together so if you want, I can help you get around campus." She offered.

"Yeah, that sounds amazing. My name is Vanessa." I introduce myself as we start walking to class.

"Lydia, it's nice to meet you." I nodded my head in agreement as we walk down the hallway.

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