0.7 - gossip

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I walk into the gym, not really feeling it. I started my period this morning so I've been slightly cramping.

I go up to Coach Smith and tell him I was sitting out because of lady problems. He made a face and told me to sit out.

I went over and sat next to Carl on the bleachers. I put my backpack on my lap and leaned my head over it like a pillow.

"You okay?" Carl asked with a hint of laughter. I look over at the brunette to see him staring at me.

"I hate being a girl." He looked at me with furrowed eyebrows for a moment. A minute later, I could see the realization hit his face.

He made an 'o' shape with his mouth while looking at me. "Oh, shit. I don't really know what to say. I'm sorry?" I laugh at his nervousness.

"It's fine, you don't have to say anything." I explained. I looked at him as I sat there, he was looking around at the gym, his back on the wall.

I have to admit he had a pretty side profile. I shake the thoughts away before I start believing something that isn't there.

"What's it like being back in school?" I asked making conversation. He pursed his lips and looked down at me.

"It sucked but I guess it beats being at home watching lame game shows all day." I give him a look.

"You didn't play video games all day?" He shook my head and informed me that Rick took his controller.

It was nice sitting here and talking, I now see why he skips gym. I don't understand why I need a gym credit to graduate high school.

As we sit there, I could see him stiffen up for a moment. I look to see what he's looking at to see Ron talking to Coach Smith.

I forgot that he was coming back today as well. It looked like they were arguing.

"He probably wants to play the game this week." I guess. Carl keeps his blue eyes on the boy.

"He's such a dick." He shook his head. When class ended, we figured we could walk each other to our classes.

"What class do you have next?" He asked as we walked side by side.

I'm surprised he willingly did it. "Biology with Mr. Porter." He started laughing.

"Isn't he a freak?" He asked while laughing. I dropped my jaw in surprise towards him.

"Just cause he's a little weird it doesn't mean he's a freak." I tell him.

He gives me a look like he doesn't believe me. "Look at his hair and listen to the way that man talks and tell me I'm not wrong." He jokes.

"You're an asshole." I joke while lightly shoving him. As we walked to my class, we walked past Ron and Sophia.

Sophia looked over at me, her eyes looking up and down at my outfit. She had a judgmental look on her face.

I look down at my outfit to see I'm wearing a black hoodie with leggings and vans.

"What's her problem?" I ask Carl when we walk past her. He turns to looks and looks back at me.

"Don't worry about them. If you haven't noticed, I've never really liked either of them." He joked when we reached the classroom.

"It's not noticeable at all." I joke back with him. I was going to talk to Carl longer but Mr. Porter was standing at his door, watching.

The two of us give each other a knowing look and share our goodbyes to each other.

"Good morning, Miss Espinosa." I just give him a fake smile while I walk in. I go over to Enid, who's sitting in the back, and I sit next to her.

The bell rang a minute later causing Mr. Porter to walk in. Enid and I always talked about how we much we dread this class.

We do pay attention, but we do tend to write each other notes making fun of him.

There's this one nerdy guy who sits up front, his name is Patrick, and we tend to make fun of him too.

We don't actively make fun of him to face like what Ron and his friends do, we just write comments about the two.

Sometimes it's extremely hard to contain our laughter. We have to lay our heads down so we can laugh and not get caught.

It was one of those days that every time Mr. Porter said something, Patrick would ask a question.

Enid taught me to sneak my AirPods in so I wouldn't fall asleep in class. As I took notes, Enid slid me a piece of paper.

I read it to see she said Patrick was dragging this shit on. I chuckled a little knowing it was true.

The class did feel like it was dragging on so I was very thankful whenever it ended.

"Were you going to dress up for Halloween? It's coming up." Enid reminded me.

I shrugged while putting everything back in my backpack. "Probably not, I don't know." I shrugged.

"Henry, Lydia, and I usually do a trio costume so maybe we can make it into a group costume." She suggested.

She told me how they usually have a pep rally and a costume contest. During the school day, apparently they prank their teachers.

It sounds like they take Halloween serious here. It does sound like fun though. I told her to let me know when they choose something.

When we get everything together, we walk out of the class together. I was shocked when I walked out to see Carl waiting by the door.

I furrowed my eyebrows towards him as I walked over to him. "I'll see you at lunch." Enid told me.

I waved to her as I went to Carl. "This is new." He looks down at me as we start walking.

"Get used to it." It does make me feel good knowing he trusts me. I just go along with it and walk alongside him.

The school day was pretty boring. I texted Carl off and on, mainly him telling me how bored he is.

He leaves right when school ends knowing he can't go anywhere else since he's still grounded.

I walk into Rosita's class to see her on her phone. I furrow my eyebrows at her as I sit down.

"Who're you texting?" I ask grabbing her attention.

I could see her face blush and turn red as she locks it on her phone and sits it down on her desk.

"It's nobody." She shrugs it off. I could tell she was lying. "If it really was nobody then you wouldn't be blushing now who is it?" I push.

"Just some guy I met on a dating app." I drop my jaw as I look at her.

Because she was so busy with college, work, and my dad, she never had time to date.

Yeah, she's had guys hit on her and she's brought home guys when she didn't think I noticed, she never settled down.

"How come you never told me?" I question as she shrugged. "I did it over the weekend so it's pretty new." She answers.

I was honestly really happy for her. "Have you met anyone yet?" She laughs and shakes her head.

"Not in person but there's a couple guys I like on there." She speaks. I couldn't help but smile at her.

"I hope it goes well for you." She looks at me and smiles. She sits there for a moment and thinks of something.

"What about you and that one boy? What's his name, Carl?" She smirks. It was now my turn to blush.

I could feel my face burn up. "We're just friends, I think." I deny her thinking. She just shrugged like she didn't believe me.

"Doesn't look like that." She goes back to looking at her computer. I just shake my head while pulling my book out of my backpack.

I've only been here for a couple weeks and Carl is just now warming up to me. Plus, I'm not looking for a relationship.

I'm happy with just being friends.

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