Chapter 13

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Cara's POV:

Its been around a month since me and Alexa started dating, and its been going amazing. She treats my so well, and takes me on all these cute dates all the time. I really think me and her are meant to be. Shes on my mind all the time, and makes me feel things I didn't even know existed.

Basketball and football season has ended, which means cheer season ends too. That was my last cheer team of highschool, and it honestly feels unreal. But, I know the season ending is hurting Alexa a lot more than me. If shes not with me, then shes playing basketball. Its a big part of her life, but I never understood why.

Alexa doesn't share much of her personal life with me. Nothing about her dad, especially nothing about her mom. And now thinking of it, Ive never even met her mom or dad.

I let the thoughts leave my head, as I pulled into Alexa's driveway. School just got let out for thanksgiving's break, and we have all week to spend time together.

I parker my car, before quickly making my way up to her front door. I knocked on the door, waiting for her to open it.

"Hello?" Someone asked, as I turned to look at the person. It was a man. He was a little over 6 ft, he had a short beard, with dark brown hair and brown eyes. He looked alot like Alexa, actually.

"Uh, Hello. Im Cara, one of Alexa's friends, Is she here?" I ask

"Y-yes, shes here. Ill go get her" He studdered, before stumbling out of the doorway, keeping the door opened for me.

"ALEXA!" He yelled up the stairs, and god he was loud. I heard loud footsteps hurrying down the stairs, not wasting a second to get down here.

"Yes dad?" She asked, looking down at her dads shoes. She had a worried look on her face, as she bit her lip, making sure not to make a sound.

"Your friend is here" He said, before walking into the kitchen and grabbing a beer out of the fridge. She looked at him, before her eyes darted towards the door. She let out a sigh, before making her way over to me.

"Ive never met your dad" I say, making direct eye contact with her. Her brown eyes looked into mine, before looking away. There was a shade of worry across her face, but she tried to hide it.

"Well, now you have" She says, before making her way towards the door.

"Whats about your mom?" I ask. I watch as Alexa, and her dad, both look at me, as they gave me the same look. It was sadness, mixed with anger.

"She left us." Alexa's dad says, looking at the ground, before pressing the beer bottle to his lips. My mouth was parted slightly, scared to say the wrong thing.

"Im, sorry Alexa, and you sir" I say, looking down at my own shoes.

"Its okay, we have to go, though. Bye dad" Alexa says, before grabbing my hand and leading me out of the house. She closes the door behind us, before making her way into the driver's seat of my car.

For the first few minutes of the drive, we didn't talk. We shared a few quick glances, but that was it. I was left with lots of questions, and no idea how to ask them.

"I know what your thinking, Cara. She left a few months ago, right after I moved here." She says, answering my question without me even having to ask it.

"Im sorry, Alexa" I say. Honestly, I feel like shit. I feel so bad for her.

"Its okay" She says, keeping eye contact with the road. I turn my head to the window, without saying another word. A fee seconds later, I feel her hand intertwine with mine, before setting them on my thigh.

I looked over at her, as she was giving me a sweet smile. She gave me that one look, meaning 'don't worry about it.' I smiled back at her, before looking back out the window.

After a few minutes, we pulled up to our destination. It was around 7pm, so it was starting to get dark outside. The place looked like a bar, but with led Lights inside. We left the car, before walking up to the place. There was a guy standing by the door as we walked up.

"Hey Dave" Alexa says to him, before giving him a side hug.

"Hey, kid. Hes not here, so you guys can go right on in" He says, before giving us a small smile. I furrowed my brows, confused at whats going on. Before I could ask anything, Alexa grabs my hands and drags me into the place.

Theres a bar, with a bartender behind it. The place was very dim, with only led lights lighting up the place. There was many people here, making the place a bit crowded.

"Im going to go get us some drinks, stay here princess" She says, giving me a wink and walking off.

I listened to the music, as I looked around. A minute later, Alexa returned with a beer, and another mysterious drink in her hand.

"This is for you" She says, before handing me the beer.

"Whats that?" I say, pointing to the other drink.

"Oh its just a vodka mixer, i'm not a beer type of person" She says, taking a big swig of it. I didn't need to ask why, because I already knew, without her even telling me. I took a big drink of my beer, before giving her a smile. She then sat down at a booth, as I made my way over to the dance floor.

I swayed my hips to the music, letting the purple and blue lights flash all over my skin. My back and shoulders were exposed due to the dress I was wearing. I moved to the beat of the music, letting the alcohol run straight through my veins.

I felt familiar hands on my waist, gripping me as I danced to the music again. She pressed her center to my ass, as my hands tangled in her hair. I looked up, pulling her face down to mine. Her hands slid onto my hips, grinding my ass onto her waist. She kissed me roughly, as our tongues danced together. I moaned into the kiss, as I felt her hands travel down my thighs. Our mouths were burning due to the alcohol, but our lips wouldn't leave eachothers. I pulled away, gasping for breath as I stared into her eyes. Even in this dimly lit bar, I could still see the hint of lust filling her eyes, as her hands traveled down my body.

Before I knew it, she was dragging me out of the place, before getting into the drivers seat of my car. She quickly revved the gas, almost speeding to get us home.

She pulled into my driveway, seeing that there was no other cars here. She quickly rushed to get the door open, before getting us into the house and closing the door, before pinning my back against the door.

Her tongue made its way into my mouth, as I moaned against her lips. The alcohol burned our throats as we pulled away.

She quickly took my hands and dragged me upstairs. I furrowed my brows at this, but said nothing.

I opened my bedroom door, letting Alexa in before closing it, pinning Alexa against the back of the door.

A/N: Hey everybodyy, I hope you like this. Lmk how you feel 😏

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