Chapter 3

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Cara's POV:

More and more people started showing up to the party, and Im not complaining. The more people that showed up, the more drinks that we had, and the more tipsy everyone got.

I slowly walked my way back into the kitchen to get another drink, my hips swaying from side to side with every step, as my head was slowly spinning. I was almost into the kitchen, before i bumped into someone.

"Damn, watch were your going." I say, slurring over my own words. The person turned around, and I was faced with a beautiful girl. Her long wavy brown hair was flowing over her shoulders, and her deep brown hazel eyes glared into my green ones. I watched as she studied my face for less than a second, before speaking.

"Uhm, you bumped into me?" She said, fully turning around to face me, raising her eyebrow a bit. I then took in her full figure. She was wearing a dark red shirt, black sweatpants, and a pair of red and white Jordan's. There was a silver chain on her neck, and a teasing smirk planted on her face.

"Checking me out huh?" She asked, giving me her full attention.

"No! I would never" I state.

Okay maybe I was a little bit.

"Sureee" She said, taking a big swig of beer. I watched as a little stream of beer went down jawline, down to her neck.

Without thinking, I made my way infront of her. I licked my way up her chest to her neck, making sure to get every last bit of the beer of of her. She let out a low moan as my lips connected to her jawline, licking up the last bit of beer. I slowly pulled away, realizing what I just did.

"I-I have to go" I slur out, slowly making my way out of the kitchen and heading to the stairs. I tried to walk upstairs, but failed as I tripped and leaned against the wall.

"Here, let me help you" A voice said from behind me, and I could tell it was a guy. Before i could look at his face, he picked me up into his arms and carried me into one of the bedrooms. He slowly placed me onto the bed, pinning me down so I couldn't move.

"S-stop! Let go of me!" I screamed, before he covered my mouth with his other hand.

"Stay quiet, got it?" He said. I nodded my head slowly, as the rim of my eyes started to fill with tears. I couldn't see his face since my vision was very blurry. He slowly took iff his shirt, throwing it somewhere in the room. I tried to fight him away as he was trying to take my shirt off,

His hands left my mouth for a second.

"Stop, help!" I screamed, before taking a deep breath and letting out a loud scream. Atleast I think it was loud.

He slowly started to take off his pants, just leaving him in his boxers. Salty tears started to drip from my eyes, as I felt his hands on my body once again.

Before it could go any further, I heard loud footsteps running up the stairs, and then the door slammed open. I couldn't see the figure very well, but I knew who it was right away. It wad the girl from earlier. Before I could even think, she pulled the guy off of me and threw him back into the wall. She punched him again and again, until he was on the floor unconscious with blood draining from his nose.

"Are you okay?" She asked me, walking over to me quickly and looking into my eyes. I then bursted into tears, as I felt her body wrap around mine. I sobbed into her shoulder, my grip tightening around her. After a few moments, I let go and stopped crying.

"I know I didn't tell you earlier, but my name is Alexa, Now, do you want to stay here or go back to my house" She asked me, still holding onto me and looking me in my eyes.

"I-I can't be here right now" I stutter our, looking into her eyes. She gives me a smile, before picking me up, as I wrap my legs around her waist so I don't fall. As I did, I felt butterflies swarm in my stomach. Thats weird.

She walked down the stairs with me still in her arms. I watched as a few people looked our way, giving us confusing looks. She didn't pay attention to them as she looked down at me, giving me a sweet smile, showing off her amazing lips.

Why am I thinking about her lips? No, Its just the alcohol, nothing else. I shake away my thoughts, watching as she opens the door and takes me to her car. She straps me into the passenger seat, laying me comfortably before getting into the drivers seat. The pressed on the gas and rolled out of the driveway.

Her house was not that far away, around a 10 minute drive. I could feel myself slowly falling asleep as I leaned my head against the seat, facing towards the brown haired girl next to me. I quickly looked away from her as I realized I was staring at her.

She swiftly pulled into the driveway, opening my door and carrying me once again inside the house. She brought me upstairs, and Into a bedroom I assumed was hers. She laid me carefully on her bed, before going to her closet and grabbing 2 pairs of sweatpants and a shirt. She threw a pair of sweatpants and the shirt to me.

"Here, you can wear those" She said, before walking away into her bathroom and taking off her shirt. I couldn't help but watch her shirtless figure in the bathroom mirror. Her toned abs shone lightly in the light, and her baked breasts looked amazing in the lacy bra she was wearing.

I turned away quickly as I took off my and skirt and top, throwing then across the room. I have to stop staring at this girl so much, she probably thinks im checking her out all the time. I put on her shirt and sweatpants, which were a little oversized on me.

I got under the covers, already feeling myself drift off to sleep. Damn why is her bed so comfy. As I felt a little dip in the bed, I looked behind me and there she was. She was leaning in the bed, using her hands to support her.

"Do you want me to sleep with you, or I can sleep downstairs?" She asked me. I was going to answer her question, before I took in her full appearance once again. She was wearing a white tank top and grey sweatpants, with the same chain she was wearing earlier.

"Y-you can stay" I say, before looking into her eyes, which were already staring at me. She was slightly taller than me, making me have to look up at her a little bit. For a split second, I saw her look at my lips, causing me to look at hers for a second too. I looked back into her eyes again, but this time they were a darker brown, almost black. The room was pitch black, with a little white light on in the corner, causing there to be a hint of light in her eyes. And a hint of lust too.

"Okay princess" She said, backing up and getting into the bed with me. I laid back down and faced my back towards her, letting sleep take over me again. Just as I was about to drift to sleep, I felt her hands on my waist and pull my closer towards her. I felt her hot breath lingering on the back of my neck, causing goosebumps.

Its going to be a long fucking night.

A/N: I meant to post this yesterday, but here it is today. Also, I changed Lily's name to Alexa. And, Most chapters will be this long :)

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