Chapter 12

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Alexa's POV:

Warning: Offensive language, fighting

The buzzer went off, as I quickly took my place on the court.

Honestly, life has been pretty good recently. Ive been seeing Cara, as we spend basically every second together. Ive been really enjoying basketball, and I haven't seen my dad much. I wish life could stay this way. Ive been trying to ignore my dad and my house the past few days, but I know I have to go back soon.

They ball finally got played, as it immediately got passed to me. I moved away from a few people, turning before throwing a three pointer right into the net.

"Good shot!" Someone on my team yells at me. But before I could respond, I heard the girls cheering from the side. My eyes darted to my girl on the side, smiling even wider when she saw I was looking at her. I gave her a sweet smile, before taking my place again on the court.

Cara is just..amazing. Shes so nice and sweet, but can be mean at the same time. Shes always there for me. And of course, shes extremely sexy. And her eyes are just, intoxicating. The second you look into them you can never look away.

I zoned back into the game, just as the ball was again being passed to me. I dribbled the ball around a few people, about to dunk it in, before someone guards me and stops the ball from going in the net.

As I touch the ground, I hear someone laugh. It was the girl who guarded me. She had brown hair with green eyes. She gave me a grin, before getting back in her position.

The game kept playing, it was 24-15, with us winning. It was now halftime, and I was in the locker room. I took a big swig of water, as I threw my jersey off of me. As I did, I felt a pair of eyes on me. I looked to the side, seeing the most beautiful girl in the world giving me a smile.

I quickly made my way over to her.

"Hey, your doing great out there" She says, looking into my eyes. I stare into her deep ocean blue eyes, understanding exactly what she felt at the moment. Her eyes sparkled, like icebergs in the moonlight. My smile grew, as I quickly took one of her hands and kissed it.

"Thank you, your looking great on the side" I smirk at her, watching as her cheeks turn a bright shade of pink.

"Whatever" She says, playfully hitting my shoulder, as I give her another big smile.

"Yo lovebirds! Games about to start again" Someone yells from the lockeroom.

"Okay I have to go, ill see you in a little bit" I say, quickly pecking her lips and jogging back to my jersey. I quickly put it on, before swiftly making my way back to the court.

I watched as the ball gets played. My teammates pass it to one another, waiting until i'm open. I grab the ball, quickly making my way across the court. I shoot it into the net again, gaining us another 3 points.

After a while, the ball gets played to me again. I take it, dribbling around a few more people. As i'm about to dunk it into the net, someone puts their hands infront of the ball and pushes me, causing me to fall flat on to my knee, as my back hits the court.

My eyes were closed foe a second, as a rush feeling of pain spread through to my knee. I let out a groan, as I held my knee close to my chest. I hear footsteps running towards me. I opened my eyes, only to see Cara running towards me. She had the most worried look on her face.

"Are you okay?!" She asks, kneeling down to my side. I gave her a smile, before almost getting up.

"Yes, I'm okay, just hurts a bit" I say, as I get up, limping as I walk.

"Fucking fags" I hear someone say behind us, before they let out a laugh. I turn around, looking directly at the person. Its the brown haired girl from the other team.

"What did you just say?" I say, looking directly at the girl.

"I said that you guys are fags" The person says, letting out another laugh with their teammate. My blood boiled, forgetting the pain in my knee, focusing on the anger in my body.

"Why the fuck would you say that?" I question them, feeling as my anger grows.

"I just wouldn't expect that, especially from a cheerleader" She states, as she refers to my girlfriend beside me. I can feel her heart pounding in her chest right next to me, and her blood runs cold.

I look over towards the girl, before throwing a punch to her face. She gets pushed away, as she touches her nose, as It slowly starts to bleed. She looks at me in disbelief.

She throws a punch at me, which I dodge. I throw another punch at her, causing her to stumble back and fall on the ground. She quickly gets back up from the ground, looking me dead in the eyes.

"You fucking dyke!" She yells. I felt the anger rush through me. Just as I was about to hit her again, my coach pulls me from behind, as Cara stands infront of me.

"Alexa! Don't hit her again, shes not worth it" She says, staring my right into my eyes. She gives me a worried look, combined with a bit of anger. My nerves calmed, as she slowly squeezes my arm, calming me down more. I give a quick glare to the girl from the other team, watching as she gets pulled off the court.

"Player 24 from Lakeview high, suspended from game. Player 13 from Bridegway high, suspended from game." The announcer says, before cutting the mic. Everyones eyes are on me and Cara, before she quickly grabs my arm and pulls me out of the gym and into the bathroom.

"Why did you do that?" She asks me.

"I was protecting you" I say.

"Why?" She asks me, raising her brow.

"Because Im always going to be here to protect you. I know how you felt, and nobody messes with you like that" I say to her. Immediately her arms wrap around my chest. I hug her back, as my hands wrap around her waist.

"Thank you" She says, pulling away and giving me a sweet smile, as her gaze softens.

"Always" I say, before pulling her into another hug. She giggles into my neck, before wrapping her arms around my neck.

"I love you princess" I say.

"I love you" She says.

A/N: Heyy, sorry for not posting for a while. I hope you like this chapterr ❤️

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