Chapter 1

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Alexa's POV:

I finished packing up the boxes, stacking them one after the other.

"Oh thank god they didn't fall" I say, looking up at the 4 boxes stacked ontop of eachother.

"What was that, honey?" My mom asks, walking into the room and setting down 2 more boxes. Oh great.

"Nothing" I chuckle, looking away from the tower of boxes.

"Okay, are you almost done?" She asks me

"Yep, just finished" I say, giving a sweet smile to the brown hair'd women, which she returns.

"So, how are you feeling about the move?" She asks me, glancing into my eyes.

I haven't really thought about it, mostly because i didn't want to. Its hard to leave the place i've grown up in almost my whole life behind. To leave all my friends behind, switch schools, and have a whole new life reconstructed right infront of me. It felt like a new canvas after an old painting. At some point after painting so much on one canvas, you have to get rid of the first one to make way for a fresh clean one. But part of me, didn't want to restart.

"Im fine" Im mumble, trying to ignore the subject. I hear my mom let out a sigh, before making her way towards me.

"Im sorry sweetie, but we have to move for your fathers condition, it can really help us out." She says, before engulfing me into a big hug.

"Thanks. We should probably get all these boxes out into the moving truck." I say, pulling away from her and grabbing a few boxes.

I slowly made my way down stairs, trying not to drop any of the boxes. I made my way through the house, letting the scent into my nose. I walked outside, piling the boxes into the moving truck, with my mom doing the same.

"You ready to go?" She asks me, which I nod in return. She gives me a small smile, before getting into her car and starting the engine.

"I'll go make sure we got everything." I say, before walking into the house for the last time. I close my eyes, before taking in the scent of it, knowing that it will always be the scent I hold onto the most. I slowly open my eyes, feeling the rim of them fill with tears. I quickly wipe them away, before taking a few steps back outside.

"I hope someone makes as much happy memories in here as I did" I mumble, before turning my back and getting into my moms car. I quickly put the seatbelt on, securing it before placing both of my earbuds in. I scroll through my phone, before pressing play on a song. I let the song quietly play through my ears, as I feel the music coarse through my veins. I let myself breathe within the music, letting it have full control over my feelings. I push all my feelings down into the music, before closing my eyes, and letting sleep overcome me.

Heres to a knew life I guess.

A/N: Hey, first chapter of this book is outt. Although it is very short, I hope you like it, Have a good day:)

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